Chapter 4

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The halls were dark, long, and winding, something you would see in a horror game. Komanu was leading us somewhere though, and he knew where he was going in the dark.

"Blackouts are fun, aren't they?"Komanu asks with a small grin on his face.

"Sometimes they are. I wonder why our room had light though." Hajime says.

"I would tell you if I knew. Here we are." He says, stopping in the middle of a large circular room.

Komanu stands in the center of the room, then stomps his right foot onto the ground.

I raise an eyebrow. "What the hell-?"

"Voila!" He exclaims, and kicks away some plastic-like material, revealing a wooden trapdoor.

Light suddenly rushed into the room.

"Attention all students of Hopes Peak. Attention all students of Hopes Peak. We want everyone to evacuate to their assigned rooms. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Sounds fishy." I say, while lifting an eyebrow.

"If they stop us at the perfect moment, then yes. They must of been tracking me, I apologize. I'll probably get a huge beating after this, but please promise me you two come back here when you feel the time is right, without me."

And with that, he walks away to a dark hall.

Me and Hajime return to our rooms and continued our daily routines. I remained restless, though. I was worried abouy what would happen to Hajime, since not everything I saw looked so promising.

I refused to go outside my room, since it seems really strange outside. Autumn leaves were blowing in the wind, with a green-ish sky.

"Hey Izzy..." Hajime says.

"Yeah?" I say, not very interested.

"I'm gonna leave tomorrow, so do you wanna do something together?"

I lift my head up. "Yeah, sure. Watch wanna do?"

"Hmm, wanna go outside?" he asks.

"Oh hell to the no. I'll probably get eaten out there." I say, making hand gestures signaling 'no'.

"Alright, nothing else to do really other than watch Netflix and play video games..."

"Alright lets do that."

We spent the rest of the day doing just that, until Hajime fell asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about earlier though, so I came up with a genius plan to go to where the trapdoor was when the blackout occured. It took atleast 20 minutes trying to navigate myself around. It was located in an area where many people pass, and that makes it more harder to come across.

The trapdoor was covered again, which slightly scared me. I looked around the room and found no security cameras, which was very odd.

I did the same thing Komamu did earlier, and discover the same trapdoor I saw earlier. I hesitated before going down the dark hole. I thought to myself :'what would happen if I get trapped there? What would happen if I got caught?'. I let it all slide, and it wouldn't hurt to take a peek. Curiosity is one thing that makes humans human, after all.

I looked around to see if anyone was coming, and descended down the hole. I used the walls to guide me, until I feel a cold metal object- a doorknob. I turn and twist it, and light engulfs the room behind it. I am in a small room with a vault like door accords from where I have entered. There is a small pad on the vault, which I assume would be where I would have to input the code. Strangely though, it didn't contain numbers, it only contained letters A-Z, all the letters in the alphabet. Above it says "INSERT THE EIGHT LETTER CODE".

I tried to find another way to enter the room tucked behind the vault door, but nothing worked. It would be impossible to crack the code. Literally, impossible, so I decided to give up for the night, as I find myself quite tired.

I couldn't wrap my head around this, though. I left with more questions than answers. Definitely Komanu wasn't expecting this, if he wanted us to come here later on without him then how would we find the code? I decided to leave the thinking for tomorrow, as I find myself nearly asleep.

I navigate myself to my room, and find Hajime still snoozing on the couch. I giggle a little, and snuggle in the couch next to him, wrapping his arm around me, and covering us in a blanket. I lull myself to sleep, but before I fall into dreamworld, I hear an unfamiliar feminine voice whisper to my ear, in a chilling, angered voice.

"We're going to kill him."

short and crappy chapter im sorry, i just wanted to get this published quickly.

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