Chapter 53

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THE DRIVE back home was quicker than either of them anticipated, the hum of the engine a low backdrop to their thoughts. The city's evening traffic slowed them down as they wound through the bustling streets, but even the honking cars and the chatter of pedestrians seemed distant, muted by the tension hanging in the air.

In the backseat, Halima sat quietly, staring out the window as the city lights blurred by. Lorna's hand rested on her thigh, her thumb tracing gentle circles, a silent gesture of comfort. Now and then, Halima glanced at Lorna, offering a small, tight-lipped smile, but her mind was elsewhere locked on the conversation she knew she had to have.

"Can we stop by Catherine's place first?" Halima finally asked, her voice soft but firm, breaking the silence between them.

Lorna turned to her, concern flickering in her eyes. "You sure?" she asked, squeezing Halima's leg gently.

Halima nodded, inhaling deeply, trying to calm the storm of emotions swirling inside her. "Yeah, I need to talk to her. . . I can't stop thinking about it."

Lorna's hand moved in a slow, reassuring pattern, grounding Halima's racing thoughts. "Okay," Lorna agreed, her voice warm and steady. "I'll come with you if you want."

Halima smiled, this time more genuinely, appreciating Lorna's support. "Thanks, but I think I need to do this on my own," she replied.

Lorna nodded, understanding, and added a stop in the Uber app. With every passing block, Halima felt the weight of what she was about to do settle more heavily on her shoulders.

Halima sighed and leaned against Lorna's shoulder, her thoughts consumed by how she would apologise. How was she even going to start? Would Catherine forgive her? And even if she did, would it take her some time to accept the possibility that the two could be together—or were they already together? Each time Lorna sensed or noticed her thoughts drifting, she would gently squeeze her hand or leg and assure her things would be okay.

Lorna's hand never left her thigh, and that small, tender touch gave Halima the strength she needed to face what was coming. They finally reached Catherine's place and Halima got off, Lorna kissed her forehead assuring her one more time that everything would be okay.

"Call me afterwards, I'll come to pick you up."

Halima smiled sweetly, "No, it's okay Lo. I'll just take an Uber."

Lorna hesitated, staring keenly for any signs that said otherwise. "Are you sure?" she asked when she caught naught.

Halima nudged her playfully, "Yeah I am, plus you need to rest, you have practice early tomorrow."

With a feigned resignation, Lorna conceded, "Okay I'll go. But call me before you leave alright?"

"I will." Halima stood on her toes and kissed her cheek. Lorna smiled clearing her throat as Halima turned and walked away. She got into the Uber and left, calling Victoria as she got near.

Halima stood in the hallway of Catherine's gated flats, her feet glued to the floor as she eyed her door. Three doors down the hallway to the right, her heart in her throat, she struggled to swallow. She hated confrontations, and this felt like one massive one. She had thought about this and figured it wasn't as awful as she was making it seem.

She was supposed to be supportive of her best friend, she knew Catherine would be if it was the other way around. Catherine would probably have even set up a blind date or pushed them both if roles were reversed. She needed to be that way for her, Catherine had only been in one relationship which ended awfully but she sounded so serious about this. Halima still had no idea what exactly was 'this' but she was determined to find out.

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