2. Can't stop it!

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*Elizabeth's POV*

My legs exerted more pressure than they usually did as I strode across the campus angrily to collect my schedule slip, not able to comprehend why I had been so disturbed with this incident.

Who was he? No one! He was nobody!

Then why was I so hurt and angry?

It must have been my ego that was hurt, and never before had anyone dared to hurt my ego.

I walked into the office to find a blushing Ms. Anderson. It was already a rare phenomenon to see her smile, I had ended up concluding her to be a robot without a life or feelings, but I guessed I had to reconsider it.

My eyes stopped at the miracle, the reason of her blush and there was that asshole again. He was very handsome, no doubt. Maybe Ms. Anderson fell for him at the first sight.

"Oh, Miss Marshalls, here is your schedule." Weird, Ms. Anderson never talked like that to me. She usually was full of sighs and pointed stares.

"Mr. Mathews, can you pass this to Ms. Marshalls? And Ms Marshalls, please be kind enough to show Mr. Mathews the way to his locker."

I silently took the schedule slip from Rome, trying very hard not to mirror Ms. Anderson's expression on my face -- blushing, I mean. But that stupid reddening of my face because of these traitor blood vessels! It gave me away, I didn't know why I couldn't hide my emotions around him. Like my blush at the moment.

He was pretending as if I wasn't there. "Let me..."

He cut me off. "I can find my own way."

The anger never seemed to have dulled. He pushed me out of the way awkwardly, walking out. Embarrassment filled through me and I glanced at Ms. Anderson, who was trying not to laugh.

I had my mind made about not seeing that jerk's face again nor show him mine, with that in my head, I walked to my locker. Glancing through my schedule to distract my mind which was only getting disastrous, I looked up right on time to see him standing before my locker and rattling it, basically trying to open it.

"What the hell are you doing?" I felt my muscles on my face contract, which usually happened when I was extremely angry.

He stared at me, first in shock, then anger crawled back onto his face.

"Will you ever stop poking your nose in my affairs? I'll do as I wish." He tried throwing each and every word on me as if they were knives, which I had successfully dodged.

"Yeah, yeah, you do as you wish, but not with my things!" I hissed in return, unable to control my anger.

"What things?" his expression turned to puzzled, making him look so cute. Even a teddy bear might let out an squeal in adoration by looking at him.

I was supposed to be angry with him, not adore him! I shook my head and slapped myself a dozen times mentally, gaining control and trying to get pissed off again.

"The locker you are trying to open is mine. This is the girl's row. The opposite row is for freaks!" I spat out in anger, pointing my index finger towards the opposite row.

He stared at me, quite shocked or surprised, I had no idea. And I didn't want to get any either. Taking a deep breath to control my anger, I turned around and headed to my locker, opening it with ease. My eyes continued to watch him from a corner, without my permission.

Finally, I groaned in defeat, feeling my anger vanish. That was when I realized that the opposite rows had the same numbers, at first even I was confused with that, and I started to feel guilty. Turning to face him, I found that he couldn't open his locker either.

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