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*Elizabeth's POV*

I woke from the insufferable heat that was hitting the exposed skin of my back, but being too sleepy to understand what was happening, I let my mind take its sweet time processing. The wind blew my hair right in front of my face making it feel like I was moving even when I sat still in one place.

Everything zoomed past me so quickly as if a race was being conducted. The scenery consisted of only big, rocky mountains and enormous amount of tiny sand dunes everywhere. Basically, I was in the middle of nowhere, all alone, with him in this desert. After all he had abducted me.

Forcing myself out of sleep, I pushed myself away from his chest. That was when I realized we were on a bike this time. For a second everything seemed like a dream but to my tribulation, this specific nightmare was very much real.
He had me sitting facing him while he raced like hell hounds were at his tail. I would so wish they were, but for the moment, I was riding with him too and I was too selfish for my own safety.

Before this fateful day, I had never been seated on a bike before. Until, he decided to give me another unforgettable experience for my pitiful life. He had a black helmet on his head, leather gloves on his hands, a white jacket and washed jeans on. I couldn't even see his eyes from the tinted plastic glass of his helmet.

Seeing him dressed like an Egyptian mummy, made me sweat more even though I was in a strapless, knee-length, magenta frock and bare-footed. He must have thrown off my sandals last night as a form of punishment or something. The strap of the backpack he had on his back smelled weird near my nose making me wrinkle it.

"Good morning!" His voice sounded jovial.

Maybe he was in a good mood.  After killing my last hope, why wouldn't he be happy?

Suddenly, everything from the previous night flooded back in my head. My breathing hitched up and my mind couldn’t stop from wondering.

Was Milo okay? Was he alive? I hoped he was! The way this bastard had hit Milo, I feared that Milo would die on spot. Or maybe he was already dead!

No... I had to think and stay positive.

I could feel the anger rush into my veins. Urge for avenging Milo, overwhelmed my rationality. It was the least that I could do for him if he was pronounced dead because of me.

With that in mind, I didn't greet my kidnapper back. Instead, I tried pushing myself away from him as much as possible in that tiny space.

Like he knew what was going on in my head, he suddenly applied the brakes making me fall back onto him. He stopped the vehicle and got down becoming the reason for my heart to start beating louder and louder till I felt my angry resolution dissolved in a corner along with the pledge to avenge. It all went puff in the air!

Had I made him angry by any chance? Oh God! Please don't!

I was in no position to take his wrath onto myself after last night.

He pulled me down and in the span of a second I was standing on the hot sand, bare-footed, almost at the verge of doing a tap dance with the scorching pain. Not like I wasn’t already hopping up and down. Taking some mercy on me, he ducked down and pushed me over his shoulder, reducing the torture as he carried me away to god knows where.
My hands fisted into his jacket tightly, definitely going to leave some marks there. I hadn't even seen his expression due to that stupid helmet before he carried me through the desert. At least, I could have readied myself to whatever was in store for me.

What was he planning now? Was he tempted to travel on foot? Or was he thinking to... No... He couldn't! If he was going to punish me as he had promised last night... No... Please don't!

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