3. The video:-

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*Elizabeth's POV*

My friends helped me a lot, especially Diana by distracting me. The rest of the day went quietly.

A few more days had passed and my temper was getting the best of me. He was getting the best of me! He had been so rude towards me. And only towards me! Whenever his gaze landed on my face, he would give me that look like I was an abomination to the world.

Having gym as my next period, I was sure that it would help me vent out a lot of my stress. So, I was really looking forward to it.

Reaching gym that was in the basement after I had changed into the gym uniform which was white in color. It was a big basketball court, filled with my classmates.

Forced of habit, my eyes automatically scanned the room for Mrs. Shane but landed on an unexpected specimen. His eyes were already on me and were cold as usual. Nevertheless, I felt a chill go down my spine.

What was his problem?

But a part of my sub-consciousness commented, 'He looks super hot in the uniform.'

'Shut up!' The nobler part of the inner voice tried to shut the less noble one. However, even the nobler part couldn't deny the fact that he was looking extremely hot.

"Boys and girls, choose a sport and report to me. I will assign you all partners." Mrs. Shane announced after a long speech, which I zoned out from while debating with myself and simultaneously admiring Rome.

Realizing that I was only good at basketball else I would have had to go for laps. I chose basketball while I still had the chance. Picking up the last ball, I made my way to Mrs. Shane. She had been in a deep conversation with that unfriendly human who had an unfathomable effect on me.

"You really don't know any of these games? Well that's a shame if it really is the case!" her voice held clear amusement in the tone.

"I really hate to disappoint, however, my situation still remains the same. And to be honest, I was never a sportsman. Can't you do anything else for me, though?" he asked very innocently.

My heart melted into a puddle like how an ice cream melts under the sun after seeing that puppy look on his face and hearing the adorable helplessness in his voice.

He looked so innocent, so cute!

"I think I can help," words automatically left from my mouth before I could even process it but then I did repent offering him my help. He cast that gaze of his on me, openly showing his disgust at me as if I was one of those hideous monsters from the movies.

"Well sure! Elizabeth can teach you..." Mrs. Shane tailed off looking at me and raised her eyebrow, indirectly asking me to complete her incomplete sentence.

"Basketball," I replied bluntly and suddenly not feeling that enthusiasm.

Why did you have to open that damn mouth of yours!?! I couldn't help but scold myself.

What's done was done and there was no turning back, with that in my mind I went ahead to offer him the ball I had been holding. He didn't react at first and pretended like I wasn't even there till Mrs. Shane left us to ourselves. That was when he silently started to walk away from me without another word.

"Aren't you supposed to learn something from me?"

"You can never mind your own business, can you?" he suddenly turned and came to stand chest to chest with me, so close that I couldn't help but flinch.

"Maybe some other time, I will teach you how to," he hissed at my face.

Shock coursed through my body and I couldn't lie that I wasn't scared because I was.

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