Chapter 08: Dreaming

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Ash's POV

I can't believe that Maya would bring my dead parents into the the fight. Dark put his hands around my waist to restrain me. I felt tears come down my face and I crumbled to my knees. He came with me as I held him arm. I saw Maya being held by Mark, then I felt a small prick in my neck. I reached up and pulled it out of my neck. It was a small dart. I crushed it in my hand and threw it on the ground. Maya just threw it in the ground. Misfires from a hunting rifle, empty rounds. I wiped my tears and Dark stood up and held out a hand. I took it and stood up, I dusted off my pants

" Thanks" I muttered and Dark nodded. Maya then looked at me and hugged me. I stood their dazed

" I'm sorry" she whispered and I put my arms around her. She started crying, she was really sorry.

" A bad day, huh" I said and she pulled away

" No it's not how can you just brush it off like that" She said and I looked at her. Everyone just has to get out some steam

" You were just having a bad day" I said and looked at her and she looked at me

" But I full on mentally attacked you" she said and I looked at her

" Everyone has a bad day" I repeated and she ran a hand through her hair

" I'm such a jerk" She said and I looked at her

" Was it out of your control" I said and she nodded

" Yes, but-" I cut her off and held up my hand

" Then shut up and get over yourself" I said coldly and she got out the translation 'It's not your fault, no one blames you'

" Let's go home" Mark said and put his arm around Maya. Dark walked by me

" You have your way with words" Dark said and I smirked

" Born that way" I smiled and I looked at Mark

" Can I crash at your house? My house is all the way across town" I asked and Mark nodded

" Yeah, theirs enough room" Mark said and they walked to Marks house.

" Thank you" I replied and they finally got to his house. He opened the front door

" Mom when back to her house, with the nurse to help her" Mark said and Dark nodded.

" You will have the couch" Mark said and I smirked. I got a migraine

" Do you have any pills for migrants" I asked and Mark nodded. He walked to the kitchen and came out with a bottle. He handed it to me and I took out 3

" 3 that's way to many" Dark said and I looked at my hand

" I have a high tolerance to medication. Its takes a lot to work, besides my doctor always give me 3" I said and put them in my mouth and swallowed them.

" Well it's 11 pm, I'm going to bed" Mark said and Maya nodded, Dark walked to his room. I took off my jacket and was in my comfy Fall Out Boy band shirt. I laid on the couch, looking at the ceiling. Then I eyes closed and I fell asleep


I was in the middle of a dark room. Not creepy, funny actually

" Where's the monsters" I called out a version off but in red stood in front of me, mimicking my movements

" Do you know what fear is" it asked and I put a hand on my hips

" A weakness" I replied, I was trained fairly well.

" Now were going to make your worst fears come true" It said and vanished then I was standing in the middle of a crowd. I was frantically looking around

" This isn't real" I said to myself as I slowly began to feel the fear in my heart. I hated crowds, it made me feel small and unwanted. I was pushed and shoved by people and I finally fell to the floor. Then someone stood over me, It was my adopted dad.

"" I sputtered and he forcefully grabbed my arm. He pulled me up and dragged me along with him. I struggled in his grasp

" Stop struggling piece of shit! Why did I even adopt you?! That's right, your my personal punching bag" he laughed and dragged me into a room. It was stone and had many restraints on a wall. He started to hook me up and he got my hands and legs down.

" Why did I adopt you" he yelled and slammed his hand next to my head. I flinched and watched him. His face then began to change. Soon his whole face was a shadow, but soon his eyes opened to reveal piercing icy blue eyes and sharp silver teeth. He dragged his hand down and was by my face. His fingers were long and pointed, they got grayer and grayer until they got to the point of black. His limbs were skinny, no meat on the bone but they also got longer. Then 8 legs came out of his back, like a spider. One leg crashed into the floor and it was sharp and silver too.

" See what fear makes people do" he said and screeched. I closed my eyes as I heard moving around. I then opened one to a sliver and saw that the lights were out. I didn't see the pair of icy blue orbs until the lights started go strobe. I saw his figure in a corner. My heart was beating quickly. Then he was directly in front of me, I screamed and closed my eyes

" Open your eyes" he whispered and I shook my heard

" Ashlyn, open your eyes" the voice said, not like a demand. I shook my head once again and I felt something rush past my head and hit the wall

" I said open you eyes" he yelled and I opened them. Their I saw I was in a cell, I walked up a small shook on the bars

" Help!" I yelled and at this point I was terrified

" Awe, is little baby Ashlyn scared already" someone said and Maya stepped out of the shadows

" kil..led u.s" she said and dropped to the floor with a bullet in her skull. Then the lights flickered on one by one and showed the dead bodies of my friends and family. Maya, Mark and everyone. I came to my knees. I felt someone behind me, breathing in my ear

" See" the voice said, it seemed to echo throughout the room

" You really did kill them" the voice said again and I put my hand behind me and I wrapped my arm around their neck and snapped it.

" See You do kill everyone you love" another voice said and I saw Dark laid on the floor. I came to my knees and hung my head. Then I opened my eyes, I saw I was in the Armory. It was a training school, they kidnapped me and sent me their. Everything was quiet. I was in my old uniform

" I can't do it" I told the mistress and she looked at me

" This is a training school. We do everything that is possible to help you bring your true potential" she said and handed me the gun. Their was a spy sitting in front of me, 15 steps away. All the girls eyes were on me, I was the only black hair girl their. All the others were red heads. I pointed the gun and everything went silent. I placed my finger on the trigger and pulled. My eyes closed and I opened them again, I was on the examination table. They did that to everyone, so that assassinations wouldn't be a problem.

" Take a deep breath and you'll go under."

Bring Me Back to Life(Darkplier and Markiplier fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя