Mad story

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18 year old Sierra was sleeping. She was about to be 19 tomorrow.

Her hair was black like the night and quite long.She waked up by the alarm the song was yellow flash, dancing light by seremedy that was her favourite band."GOOD MORNING" she heard her mother say by the little opening at the door.Suddenly she feels something with fur by her feet. It was the cat Cassandra.

Sierras POV

"mum what day is it??" I asked her

"Its your birthday honey" she answer "I know but I ment what day in the Week is it???"I asked again "Oh its saturday 11 july Sierra and I've got a present for you!!" she told me. I was just to curius so I asked my mum "what" then she said "if you come I'll tell ya"

So I was dressed, I was wearing a Seremedy t-shirt and a pair of jeans "what was the surprise?" I asked, the answer I got was "A car is coming here to get ya, you will be 3 weeks with..." "who??" I was dying to know!!! then she finaly said it "SEREMEDY" I was dying of happiness!!! so many things are spinning in my head the only thing that makes sense "when" I said trying to keep my voice calm "about 2h so go and pack everything u will need" she said. The clock was 10 am.I packed down my earphones and some cloths and my wallet and I almost forgot my phone charger to my xperia z."COME AND EAT BREAKFAST" my mother shouted from the kitchen.

I ate a warm sandwich then a white toyota stopped by the house and ray came in "hello are u ready" he asked me "oh and happy birthday btw" he said and I was like half shocked so I said "yes I am and thx but how did u know it was my birthday today?!?!" "I tell you in the car" he answerd so I took my bag and went of after I've hugged mum and said goodbye To Cassandra.

Me and ray walked to the car where I met Jenziih and Linder "Hi Sierra" they said and my only answer was "Hi guys" on the way we laughed and screamed and talked, we arrived and there's a LARGE house "home sweet home" linder said. I picked my stuff from the car and stood there like stunned for 3 seconds then I continued to walk too the door and ray gave me the sign to go inside "WOW its huge" I gasped when I went inside "Your room is up there" ray told me so I ran up, first thing that caugt my eye was a ps2 with kingdom hearts 2 and 1 then I saw my room. It was black with dark purple hearts and the bed was white with yin and yang and some dragons in different colors and a desk with a lot of pencils and a karaoke with all hits in it. after a while seike came up and asked if I liked the room and my answer was of course "yes its perfect" then seike smiled and then I said. a Little curiosly "who owns the kingdom hearts 2" "I own in but I'm stuck" he said then I smiled and said "I've completed it on hard" seike was shocked "what, my littlesister Sara has it so shall I help you with it" I asked


-in mind-

"what" "how"

-in reality-

"yes please"

and Sierra helped me with KH2 (KH=KINGDOM HEARTS)


"shout when u need help" I said to seike "lunch time" Linder shouted

"what are we going to eat" I asked

"steak" ray answered "we're eating in a restaurant so we're going to change cloths so you should to" so I went up to my Room I changed cloths into a black shirt and a red cardigan and leather jeans and my other converse then I went down stairs and everyone was surprised, then I heard ray say "you're Beautiful" " thanks ray you look Beautiful Too" and then ray began to smile



"do I have a crush on Sierra" I thougt,

a voice in my head said "yes you have" "but she doesn't love me" I thougt then another voice came it sounded like Sierra that said "of Course I love u!!!"

-in real-

I was walking to the car with everyone else. Seike was driving. Me and Sierra sat in the backseat. Linder drove the other car that was a red vw with yohio and Jenziih in the backseat. we drove to the steakhouse

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