Chapter 3 : Meeting Lin

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Plzzzzzzz comment your thoughts about the book so far and what I can do better!!

Sry I'm gonna switch POV's quite a lot in this chaper


-Seikes POV-

On our continued way to piteå I, Sierra and rest of seremedy laughed and had a lot of fun. When we got to the arena called Norrmalmia we found Lin and she showed us to the make-up room and she noticed Sierra and asked who she was and Sierra answered calmly that she is gonna be with seremedy 2 more weeks and ray explained the rest of the story.

-Lins POV-

When ray told me the story I got kinda happy for not being the only girl. "Well, Sierra I have a feeling that we'll be great friends" I said in a happy voice and she began to smile and she smiled even brighter when I whispred that I gonna do makeover and hair on her during the consert in secret.

-Sierras POV-

I couldn't believe that Lin was gonna do makeover and the hair on me I was like xD but I remain silent after all it was a surprise. Lin was fixing hair and make-up on the others before they whent out infront of a screaming audience and began to play No Escape, and when the second song closure began Lin called me to the make-up room and began to fix my hair while talking about nearly everything between earth and sky and then it  was time for make-up and I let her decide what to do and after 45 minutes I was ready and I LOVED it, my hair was curly and then I mean realy curly, dipdyed dark blue and purple in the absolute peaks and the make-up was white and light blue and light pink and black mascara and a purple lolita dress (Lin's choice), I wanted to impress Ray. So when the guys came back Lin stood there with a smile on her face

-Rays POV-

When we came back from stage I saw Lin standing with a happy face so I asked trying not to laugh "What now Lin and where's Sierra?" "Sierra come-on out" she said" and out came the most beautiful young woman I've ever seen, everyone was as surprised as I was

-Sierras POV-

Everyone was staring at me like "wow" so spun around so they could see my dipdye.

On the way home I took the chance to ask him "Ray, will you be my boyfriend?" Ray began to smile and the answer was "Yes Sierra I really want to be your boyfriend!!!!!" then we kissed when we got home we gatherd the others to tell them and they were really happy for us.

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