Chapter 6 : The Burial and after

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Sorry for waiting, I needed some insperation xD


-Sierra's POV-

I went to my room and changed cloths into my black dress and tights with a maching pair of shoes and I flated my hair. after 3 minutes ray came up, looknig more beautiful then ever. Anyway we went to the burial and it was SAD truely and after the burial we ate with all the relatives. Ray and I talked about the burial. I rememberd that we would go swimming. "Ray, can we go swimming after we get home" I whisperd.

-Ray's POV-

Sierra asked about the swimming and I said "Of course darling, it's kinda to warm out here so I wouldn't mind." I went down and swiched into my swimming shorts and went up and there was Sierra in her swimsuit and 2 towels one for me and one for her. "I've called the rest in seremedy and Lin they will meet us at the beach." Sierra said and whan she said that, I went kinda happier dunno why but I went happier. So I drove to the beach with Sierra. We were laughing and talking about everything. When we were there we took out basket with food and the towels and ran down the way to the water.

-Seike's POV-

At first I saw two figures running and when they came closer I saw that it was Ray and Sierra and they seem to see me cuz they slowed down and began to walk like usual. "Hi Seike" They shouted and I waved back. I waited for them to walk with them the rest of the way down.

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