Chapter 11: Wedding

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Okey I say there will be a little "drama" in this chapter

-Sierras POV- -The next Morning-

I woke up in my bed and Alice in the sofa and the guys downstairs in the basement and the clock was 1 pm so I decided to wake ray up with a call so I called him and he sounded like a zombie but I heard a "what" so I said "Get yourself and the others up here NOW it's time for breakfast" And all the guys came up and sat by the table while mum was at my grandma's place. Ray and I have talked about the wedding and planning it with Lin over Skype. After breakfast the guys went down packing and Alice and I were going shopping with Lin and Mum and Daniels girlfriend Anna for wedding dresses and stuff we were shopping for 4 hours after that Mum drived us home to plan my looking and stuff and the theme Ray and I chose was classic but still a little japanese in it and it turned out perfect. nothing else special happend that day

-The day of the wedding- -Sierras POV-

I woke up walked and took a shower and called Jenziih to fix my hair I picked my make up and stuff and got dressed and Lin was here so we fixed so everything was ready to begin. My mum placed the dresses for me and my bridesmaids my dress was white and a little fluffy. After a while came Jenziih and they began to fix me and the bridemaids and at the end we looked beautiful and Jenziih swiched into his suit. Lin and Alice were my bridemaids. Jenziih drove us to the church and sat down in it and my mum was going to give me away. She signaled that they were ready and then the music started.

-Rays POV-

I stood by the priest when I heard the music and everyone stood up in my new suit and saw the most beautiful woman in the world and when she stood next to me the priest began to speak "We are gathered here today to unite Ray and Sierra, If anyone objects to this marrage, speak now or never" and Seike stood up and said "I object" "why" I whispered to him holding Sierra closer to my body "because.." he walked over to Sierra.

-Sierras POV-

"Sierra I have loved you ever since I saw you the first time and my love for you have only grown stronger by the time you've been with us" I was kind of shoked that SEIKE was in love with me but that didn't change my decision to marry Ray so I said to  Seike "Sorry Seike but can we keep it as friends cuz you are a good friend but I've been in love with ray since he picked me up at my house. Friends?" I said holding out my hand "Sure, Friends." he said shaking it and walked back to his chair and the priest continued "Ray,do you take Sierra Waltz to be your wife and to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; and promise to be faithful to you until death parts you" "I do" ray answered  "Sierra Waltz,do you take Ray to be your Husband and to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; and promise to be faithful to you until death parts you" "Yes I do" I answered then he gave us our rings and said "Ray, you may now kiss the bride" Then I felt Ray kiss me and the priest said "Ladies and gentlemen may I present to you the loving couple Mr and Mrs Waltz" then the kiss ended and as usual I throwed the bouquet to the people and walked out of the church

 We had an afterparty and Yohio sang "Our Story" and a few other songs and Seike sang Dèjà Vu and some other songs and then it was time to eat the cake we lifted out the cakes, Ray and I decided to cut the cake together and later on a few games then it was time for our honeymoon so I walked over to Seike "Hi Seike I just wondered if you could maybe take care of Cassandra which is my cat" "Hi Sierra,it would be a pleasure to do that" I gave him a thanking smile and walked to Ray and left. "2 week alone with Ray in France" I thought.


Ps Sierras Wedding dress on the side and thx @Elsa_Lindebris for some insperation

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