Chapter 4 : My boyfriend

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-Sierra's POV-

I woke up early next morning and the first thing that came up to my mind was that I've got a boyfriend and that was Ray. Then I looked at the clock and it was only 7 in the morning so I went to sleep again

-In Dream-

I was walking home from school and everybody was laughing at me so began to run in my new converse and suddenly I saw a blackhooded guy about 185 cm, I got up and began to run again this time crying and the sound of the laughs just went higher and higher. When I've runned almost the way home I heard celtic music which I hated so I putted on Dèjà vu on my phone and just letted the songs role when I got home to seremedy they were all dead I couldn't help screaming "NOOOOOOO" the blackhooded guy had killed them all he was bloody and had a bloody knife

- Ray's POV- - In real-

Yohio woke me up hearing something from Sierra's room it didn't sound good so I ran up the fastest I could when I was in her room she was laying on the floor screaming, it was really scary wo watch!

I shouted to Yohio to come up after a few minutes he came up looked and ran down, in 30 seconds the rest were up and chocked, Seike and I tried to wake her up.

-Sierras POV- -In Dream-

The hooded guy had disappeared as mystical as he came, I heard two worried voices calling my name they sounded like Ray and Seike and after that I woke up

-In Real-

Everything was normal again so I began to hug both of them saying "thank you for waken me up that dream sure was creepy". "Promise to never scare me again!!!" "Promise." then he suddnely he kissed me and I kissed him back


Sorry for the short chapter guys xD anyway Please comment your thoughts about the book

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