Mad story chapter 2

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cince seremedy broke up I decided to continue on the story so I'm gonna continue now


-Sierras POV-

When we we're on our way to the steakhouse Ray was acting weard and so many questions poped up in my head


"why is Ray acting so weard?"

"wait do I have a cruch on him?" and an answer came "yes you have and he loves you too!"


I was just sitting like everyone else in the car it was quiet so I said a little bit curiosly "Are we there yet?" then seike answerd "In 2 minutes sierra" and everyone went silent again. We stopped the car and went out and I saw a big sign that said "STEAKPLACE" we caugt up linder;JENZiiH and yohio outside and went in we picked a table for 6 person and then it was our time to order seike orderd a steak with rice and a cola, Yohio orderd the daily special with diet cola Jenziih and linder orderd the same but with a normal cola and Me and ray orderd a steak with nudles and fanta. It all looked delicious. We went back into the car and drove off.

-Seikes POV-

I was surprised that Sierra ate it all but I guess it was yummy. Hmm ray seem to like her.  

-Rays POV- -IN MIND-

"what chould I do I love her"

"should I ask her to be my girlfriend?"

-In Real-

I looked at Sierra who was listening to music and then back again.When we got home Sierra was sleeping, she were so cute but I woke her up and everyone was going to sleep it was late.

The next morning woke up early for some reason so I dressed up in a t-shirt and soft pants and went down to make breakfast when I heard Sierra get up "good morning" she said when she saw me and I answered "Morning Sierra"

-Sierras POV-      -In mind-

"I'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend today, just got to find the right time and place to do it"

-In real-

I heard 4 tired voices mumble and after the voices came 4 zombies

"Good morning guys" me and ray said in choir and we got a tired sound as answer.

"So what's the plan for today if you got any?" I asked. "hmmm dunno I will ask the others about that" and then he walked away after a few minutes he came back and told me that they had a consert in Piteå in 2 hours and that I will be there. I was soooooo happy about that so ran to my room fixing my make up and changed cloths into my fabulous jeans and a awsome shirt with metallica on it and my converse with a rock sign and then we were of to piteå we had a lot of fun on the way there but I forgot to eat before the trip. I was lisening to Barracuda when suddenly the music got more silent and I saw black spots getting bigger

-Rays POV-

I saw Sierra being more and more relaxed then she fainted and I went silent. Yohio noticed that I went silent and then saw Sierra who was still fainted and told seike to stop the red minibus and so he did with an asking look at yohio and yohio looked at Sierra. Seike understood what have happend

-Sierras POV-

Everything was black in 30 minutes, when I woke up I saw all scared faces of Seremedy and Ray was crying. They gave me an apple and a bottle of soda

-Seikes POV-

I let Linder drive to piteå and I sat in the back seat with Sierra and Ray

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