Chapter 46

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Lucrico felt Rosalie's emotions and knew about her encounter with Micheal at the spa she was at, the conflicting feelings about the truth about how Lilith abandoned Charlie for her to live in heaven. And how she had such confusing feelings about Charlie and if to tell her the truth, but Micheal was right. It would be best if Rosalie told Charlie rather than hearing from Lilith whenever she would go back to hell in stopping Charlie's plans for redemption for sinners, Rosalie made a promise to Charlie in helping her and she wasn't going to let her down.

After Rosalie and Adrianna had returned from the spa she spoke with Twilight threw the distance mirror about the sinners under her care and asked if some of them could go to the Hazbin Hotel in checking into the hotel finally, Twilight was more than happy in asking them in Rosalie's aid in any way/shape and form. That's what Twilight did she had told the sinners that where under her care and protection since she didn't own any of there souls and with her willingly had asked for some of them in aiding for Princess Charlotte's hotel, to her joy a total of thirty had volunteered for the hotel. Upon bringing those sinners to the hotel Charlie was completely over the moon happy hearing that those sinners wanted to check in for wanting redemption and seeing the difference between Charlie's way and Rosalie's way of redemption, they knew not to mention what Rosalie had been doing in not wanting to disappoint Charlie and knew that it was Rosalie's place in telling her when the time was right. 

"So...gotta ask ya own any of these guys?" Angel Dust questioned that to Twilight that made her look at him

" I actually don't own any souls. That's why I've never been to those stupid overlord meetings." Hearing those words surprised the demons at the hotel especially Alastor since he was an overlord as well

"That's quite unheard of especially with someone just as ancient and powerful then Zestial." Twilight glared at Alastor and got in his smiling face with no fear as her eyes glowing white

"Don't you dare compare me to that damn evil spider or any of you other overlords, I'm not like any of you. I made a vow to be Rosalie's eyes and sword here in hell in helping those that truly needed it and didn't deserve to be in hell. Zestial deserves and was well suited for hell when he was alive."

"Did Rosalie knew him when he was alive?" Vaggie questioned that out of curiosity and Twilight nods her head yes as her eyes stopped glowing

" Well Zestial is from the late 16th century during the witch trials, that era wasn't so good for Rosalie during that time either. It was also around the era where many countries hunted down remaining living members of House Belmont, even after coming to the new world I think you all can imagine how they treated her and the countless times they killed her only to be brought back to life. Despite her care in healing people who many owed there lives to her."

"You where one of them weren't you?" Lucifer said that interrupting her that made Twilight look over at Lucifer, she didn't answer him at first. 

"Yes...I was. I was only a child when I became a forge master, my family abused and abandoned me on the side of the road at thee age of eight. Then Rosalie found me and gave me the wile to live, she accepted me and took me under her wing in traveling with her to the new world and my powers only grew with her guidance. She was more than a parent to me than my real ones, what I wanted was to walk by her side. Rosalie Belmont has my loyalty and devotion...always."

For an Overlord as old and powerful as Twilight hearing her devotion and loyalty to a demon hunter especially from the Belmont family spoke more action than words, it also shed some light to Alastor why he had never seen her in any of the overlord meetings nor had ever associated herself with them until recently with Alastor being the first. Now he knew why, it was because of Rosalie Belmont had asked her too. It also left many of Charlie's party and Charlie herself shocked hearing that the overlord Twilight didn't own a single soul in her few centuries of power and that the sinners she had where under her influence of there own wile, it has came to light that the sinners that Twilight had brought knew Rosalie Belmont in their time era. 

Back on Earth Rosalie was grated with a surprise of her own when she returned to Rosemont Academy hearing how some students including Twilight's apprentices wanted to volunteer with working at Charlie's hotel, you can bet Rosalie had informed Charlie about it as soon as possible and you can imagine how happy the Princess of hell was hearing the news. You can also bet Lucifer himself was excited hearing that Rosemont students wanted to work at the hotel, he had never seen really seen or encountered living breathing humans besides Rosalie Belmont and Grand Duchess Willow. Hearing that living humans wanted to work at the hotel made him happy and just as excited as his daughter, Rosalie did tell Lucifer not to act too weird around her students and they'll have protection on them just in case for extra measures mentioning that a few of those students are wesen and other where either magic users or other members of the outcast community like werewolves/ vampires and even physics and it the list goes on. 

The next day a total of sixty students had volunteered including the college students after Rosalie had announced that it would count as extra credit courses and the same went with the Academy students as well, thee youngest students where fourteen and thee oldest where around twenty five years old. Before arriving at hell Rosalie had given the students special medallions with the Belmont crest form demonic entities that meant to do harm to the wearer, the catch would be that it would work on humans only. The wesen students where given special defense weapons, since they where a very rare and super valuable alive in hell Rosalie went to the extra measures to make certain they where safe.

"Welcome to the hotel, I'm so happy you all came here to help. It really warms my heart." Charlie said that to the Rosemont students who had arrived at the hotel with Rosalie, Adrianna and Lucricio who was in his human disguise alongside with Alexander Belmont. While Charlie and Vaggie where talking to the students Rosalie and Adrianna had walked off cause Bylur was in the hotel at the bar enjoying his third drink, he had spat it out upon seeing Adrianna with her adopted mother and he stood up out of his sat

"Adrianna? Your here?"

"I'm now here as a member of the staff." Adrianna said that keeping her distance from the bird demon and sounding not to pleased seeing him, when Bylur got a little close Rosalie stopped him by putting her hand out to him that made him pause.

"Keep your distance, your on mine and my daughter's terms until there trust. She answered your question, so that's a start. What to do next in earning her trust depends of her now." As Rosalie spoke she put her hand down and looked at Adrianna

"Adrianna it's up to you? Is there anything else he needs to prove that he's willing to change for you?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07 ⏰

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