Part 2 (Adelina Amouteru)

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I start to stand up from the chair I'm sitting on and pull my sister along with me. I cannot have more people surrounding me that have interactions with the Daggers. Especially not one who I will be in debt of.

"Where are you going?" the princess calls out. Her voice sounds too much like Lucent's. I don't care if Lucent despised me. She still trusted me. Only her kindness towards me was with strings attached.

I start running towards the door.

"Adelina! What are you doing?" Violetta asks

I ignore her and keep running until I am at the door. Just a split second before I touch the doorknob, the princess cries out with such desperation that I cannot bear to ignore her.

"Please! I need your help! You are what I have been looking for!"


The princess starts explaining everything to me. That Lucent and her were best friends. That there was some sort of accident that caused her youngest brother, Tristan to die. That she somehow managed to revive him. That it was not magic, just luck. That she had a plan to help the Daggers out with overthrowing Queen Giulietta. That I was the key to unlock the door that is the plan.

I calculate my risks and my chances of survival if I help the princess out with the plan. If I accept her offer of food, shelter, warmth, in return for my helping out with the plan, to recruit as many Elites as we can, then we would be completing everything Violetta and I set out for. But another part of me screams at me with insane, wild eyes, to decline her offer.

She is using you. She is no different from the others. She is giving you kindness, with strings attached.

Just as I am about to decline her offer, Violetta speaks for the both of us. She seems to sense what I am feeling, yet she accepts the offer. The princess takes no tine to confirm with me, but instead, sends the other malfettos impatiently waiting outside her bedroom home. Or, to wherever they stay. They groan in frustration and some of them even scream and shout. I silently watch them file out and glare at me with menacing eyes. They know I caused the princess to do this.

"Follow me... uhh... illusionist." the princess says hesitantly.

"My name is Adelina Amouteru. This is my sister, Violetta Amouteru."

"My name is Maeve."

The rest of the day is just her showing me around, asking me questions that I answer warily.

I notice that Maeve walks with such grace, such flirt, such kindness. Her blonde locks, sky blue eyes, bone structure and fair skin makes her even more beautiful. She reminds me too much of someone, someone I care about.


I push the thought away and continue walking along with her. Violetta and Maeve seem to het along very well.

Suddenly, Violetta gasps out loudly, as if in pain. I immediately rush towards her and ask her what is wrong. But it is not pain. It is more of astonishment, that caused the gasp. Maeve looks curiously at Violetta, clueless of what is happening. I see Violetta's trembling finger point towards a young girl, perhaps around my age, with dark hair and even darker eyes. Her pupils are so dark that it seems as if her pupils are all there is.

"She's a malfetto. She comes to sell strawberries to my family every week. Her name is Erin." Maeve says.

Violetta says,"She's more than just a malfetto. She's a Young Elite."

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