Part 3 (Adelina Amouteru)

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"How can you be so sure? How do you know?" Maeve asks, still clueless but frustrated.

"Violetta is a Young Elite as well. She doesn't have any markings because of her power. She can suspend other Elites' powers and give them back. The downsides are that her power requires a lot of energy, too much energy. And, she cannot use the powers of whom she stole from." I explain.

"Ahh... I thought you were the only malfetto in your family."

"What do we do now, Adelina?" Violetta asks.

"We recruit her."

I start taking confident strides toward Erin.

"Hi Erin. My name is Adelina Amouteru. This is my sister, Violetta. We are hereby asking you to join the Rose Society. It is a society like the Daggers, with the same motto, the same goal."

Erin looks warily yet curiously at us,"How do I know I can trust you?"


"Do you want to stop running from the Inquisitors and live your life in fame and glory?"

"Yes. But there is no need to run from Inquisitors here in the Skylands. Malfettos are appreciated here."

"But not Young Elites. Malfettos are harmless. Elites are not. Elites have powers that do not belong in this world. I am an Elite. You are too."

"How do you know that?!" Erin starts getting defensive.

"Violetta can sense your powers. I know you are a Young Elite, there is no need to be afraid of me. I am like you. I understand why you want to keep your powers a secret."

"You have no right to say that! You never experienced my life, suffering, beatings, betrayal, cast aside, hurt. Used."

Erin seems to be exactly like me.

"And, you're standing in front of the Princess. You're already giving my identity away."

"Look, Erin. Please. The country of Kennettra is at stake here. The king has died and Queen Giulietta now rules. The firstborn prince, Enzo, is unfortunately dead. Please. If Kennettra is ruled by a malfetto hater, every malfetto, and I mean EVERY SINGLE MALFETTO, even in the Skylands, will suffer. We have to stop this. And you can help."

Erin seems to be considering my words. Finally, she gives in. Just like I did to the Daggers. Only the Rose Society doesn't offer bitter kindness with strings attached.

"On one condition," Erin says,"I want food, water, shelter, warmth and all those necessities." Erin glances at Maeve.

"We have ourselves a deal." I say, shaking Erin's hand,"Welcome to the Rose Society."

After that, Maeve gets me, Violetta and Erin a room at the Fortunata Court. Only this court isn't called the Fortunata Court. It's just called the Court.

The Court is identical to the Fortunata Court. Same rooms, same designs and same architecture design. I figured since the Court is the same as the Fortunata Court, it must have the same underground tunnels. Catacombs.

I was right. There was the exact same catacombs as in Estenzia. Lucky for me, I guess.

Me and Violetta share a bedchamber while Erin rooms by herself. She seems to get comfy easily. Maeve returns to the palace to do her princess duties.

A knock on my door sounds. In comes Erin. She has some questions for me.

"Why is Maeve working with you?"

"What is different about the Daggers?"

"What is your power?"

"Were you a Dagger?"

"Did you know Lucent?"

I answer all the questions fluently. I almost choked up when I answered the last question. I seem to satisfy Erin by the time she walks out of my bedchamber.

The next day, I show Erin around the catacombs I know all too well, thanks to Raffaele. Never have I felt so needy to have him here by my side.

Meanwhile, Violetta and Maeve roam the village, trying to sense other Elites. I figured since Violetta can sense other Elites and Maeve can charm so well, they would make a pretty great team.

At the end of the day, I feel accomplished. Violetta and Maeve have recruited four elites-making a total of six Elites altogether-and Erin is now almost as familiar with ths catacombs as I am.

The Rose Society consists of Violetta, Erin, Ace, Lani, Lowin, Maeve and I. 

I think we have formed the Rose Society.

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