Part 4 (Raffaele Laurent Bessette)

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Author's Note:
Hey guys! Before I start this part, please know that I am doing RAFFAELE'S POV now. The reason is because in Marie Lu's book, she did POVs. So, I am doing it to. Also because you guys also need to know what is going on in the Dagger Society. So yeah. Well, enjoy the story!

The strong-willed energy I used to feel in the air is now just a feeling of emptiness. That is because it came from Adelina. Every now and then, I look at myself in the mirror and ask,"Why did I exile her?"

I know it was for the greater good, and if Enzo was not in love with her, he would have done the same thing. The others also wanted to exile her, especially after Teren thanked her for... killing, Enzo. So, why do I feel I should have not exiled her?

I did not feel guilty when I told Enzo to exile the boy who could control rain. Maybe, it is because Enzo exiled him, not me. Perhaps, I am too soft. No, a softie would not have instructed someone to exile another.

Then again, maybe it is because I betrayed Adelina. She trusted me. She told me things she had never told anyone else. She came back to the Daggers just to save me. And, what do I do in return? I exile her from the Daggers.

Every time, the same flood of memories come washing into my mind, drowning out all the joy and replacing it with sadness, anger and hopelessness.

I hope Adelina is doing good wherever she is. Perhaps she is in the Skylands. I hope she is in the Skylands, and not in the Inquisition tower, getting beaten bloody like I was.

I know I am horrible for thinking this, but I wish she was dead. I wish all of us malfettos were dead, so we would not have to live to see the Inquisitors who want us dead so badly. That would be best for everyone.

My feet bring me to her bedchamber. I subconsciously sit on her bed and caress the spot where her head used to be. A warm, comforting feeling grows inside of me. Other than Enzo, Adelina was my best friend. I have tried making friends with the others, but Lucent was too sarcastic, Gemma was too good to be true, Dante is dead and Michel was Dante's 'minion'. I begin regretting my actions.

No. Adelina is dangerous. She has uncontrollable powers. She- she killed Enzo. That is unforgivable.

But she was our only chance at overtaking Queen Giulietta. Even if Enzo was dead, we could have still continued with our plan. Now, without Adelina as a Dagger, we are back to hiding in the dark. We could still recruit other Elites, but it would not be the same without Adelina. Adelina's power, after being trapped inside for many, many years, had finally unleashed itself, coming with full power at the right times. Because of Violetta, Adelina's power is one of a kind. No amount of Elites can ever replace Adelina.

By now, tears are rolling down my cheeks. I have never cried like this before. I let my head rest on Adelina's pillow, sobbing to myself as I clutch her bedsheets.

I am so, so sorry, Adelina. I regret exiling you. I miss you.

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