Part 11 (Raffaele Laurent Bessette)

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Lucent is in trouble.

I can sense a scared, afraid feeling from her. Intimidated. 

Things must've went wrong, somehow. A feeling of worry overcomes me, sears throughout my chest. Calm down, Raffaele. Calm down. If Enzo were here, what would he do? 

He'd take charge and continue to move towards the Skylands.

A sinking, knowing feeling plunges my heart into abyss as I gather the Daggers, informing them of what's to come.

"What about Lucent?" Gemma asks. "We surely can't just abandon her."

"Lucent's in trouble. We can't save her." I reply stiffly.

"Lucent's our friend and ally. And, she's stuck with Teren. We've got to at least try to save her. What has happened to the kind, caring and sensitive Messenger? Has this leader stuff gave you a big head?"

Anger courses through my veins and I harshly reply, "Do you really think I'd be proud or happy to have received position as leader? If Enzo were still alive he'd be leader - not me. I don't take pride in taking Enzo's position. I am simply looking out for your safety."

Gemma opens her mouth as if to object, but closes it again. I sigh, loosening up and letting my anger dissolve. I do admit, I've changed. I'm not the old Raffaele anymore - but I can't do anything about it, unless we know for sure that Adelina isn't looking for revenge. 

"If you were Teren," I say, not as sharp and loud as I was before. "wouldn't you take Lucent hostage and use her to lure the rest of the Daggers - us - into his hands? Teren's around here, somewhere. For all you know, he's watching us right now. He wants Adelina - but he also wants every malfetto in who's still alive. He wants us. And, we can't let one mission gone wrong ruin our entire mission. To find Adelina."

It has been two weeks since we started on our journey. We've already reached Beldain, but there is still no sign of Adelina. Asking around for a silver-haired girl might seem strange to others, and since this isn't a town against the malfetto race, people might get the wrong idea, get offensive and turn us in to the the Queen of Beldain, which just so happens to be missing her daily duties as well. 

Gemma nods her head silently. "It's just that - we've already lost three of our elites. We've lost Dante, Enzo and Adelina... I just feel like our society is falling apart. And, without us, who do the malfettos look to for defense against Teren?"

This gets me thinking. Gemma has a point; there aren't any other societies in Kenettra who protect the malfettos. They can't look to rogue young elites, either. I sigh to myself. I had undersestimated the difficulty of leading. 

"We'll focus on that later, but now we have to find the person we set out for. Adelina."

"Raffaele is right. We can't let anything get in the way of our main objective."

And that was the end of the conversation. No one said anything else, but the desperation and loneliness coming from Lucent haunted me as we ride the horses kindly lent to us by some villagers. It was as if she was calling out for help.

Help me, Raffaele.

Help me.

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