Chapter 45

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Everyone arrived at the temple, the sacred air thick with the scent of incense and devotion.

As they entered,Shubman was struggling to walk in his lungi, clearly not used to the traditional garment. "Why is this thing so hard to walk in?" he muttered, trying to keep up with the rest of the group as they all moved ahead.

Mahi, with her graceful poise, started explaining the beauty of the temple's architecture, pointing out intricate details, while Sonu narrated the story of the temple deity and the divine love that had inspired its creation.

Meanwhile, in front of the deity, Rahul and Hardik stood side by side.

The priest approached them with the aarti plate, and Hardik waved his hand over the flames, his fingers grazing the warmth before he took the blessings.

He then gently turned to Rahul, blessing him first, and in a heartwarming gesture, circled his hand around Rahul's belly, silently praying for the health of their future baby.

Afterward, Hardik, with a serious expression, joined his hands and respectfully asked the priest,

"Panditji, please bless my husband and our baby. I pray for their health and happiness," Hardik said, his voice filled with emotion.

Rahul's heart swelled, and he looked at Hardik with soft eyes. "You always surprise me, Hardik. I didn't think it was possible to love you more, but here we are."

Hardik chuckled, his hand still resting protectively on Rahul's belly. "You're stuck with me, baby. And soon, you'll be stuck with a mini version of me too."

Rahul smiled, leaning into his husband slightly. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Shubman finally made his way into the temple, managing to walk up to the deity after much effort. He sighed in relief, joining his hands in prayer and closing his eyes. Ishan stood beside him, leaning in with a mischievous grin and whispered something that made it seem like he was talking to the gods.

"God, please grant Shubman the ability to walk in a lungi properly next time," Ishan teased, his tone playful. Shubman ignore his teasing "and also God, can you tell Shubman to stop looking so good all the time? It's distracting."

Shubman's eyes flew open as he turned to Ishan, his face already turning red. "Ishan, we're in a temple! Don't say such things here!"

Ishan grinned mischievously. "What? I'm just speaking the truth. Even God knows it."

Blushing furiously, Shubman quickly walked away, struggling with his lungi as Ishan laughed. "Careful, Shubman! Don't trip in that lungi!" Ishan teased, watching his husband try to escape the situation.

Rohit, standing beside Virat, smiled at the sight of Ishan teasing Shubman. But soon, his attention was drawn to the priest, who came over to bless him and Virat.

"May your marriage be blessed with happiness and joy," the priest said before adding, "And soon, you may blessed with another child."

Virat's eyes widened in shock, his usual composure broken by the unexpected words. He glanced at Rohit, clearly startled, but before he could react, he felt his cheeks begin to burn.

Rohit, too, was momentarily surprised, but a smirk quickly tugged at the corners of his lips. The idea amused him, and he glanced at Virat with an expression that was half-teasing, half-serious.

Ishan, overhearing the priest's words, couldn't resist the opportunity to tease. "Looks like someone's again going to be a dad soon!" he called out with a chuckle, his voice full of amusement.

Virat shot him a sharp glare, his eyes narrowing as if daring Ishan to continue. Not wanting to make his blushing cheeks any more obvious, Virat quickly turned away, walking off with a huff, leaving everyone laughing lightly at his flustered reaction.

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