Chapter One

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Here i am on my first day at my new school. I am a Freshman in High School. We just moved from South Plains, Alabama. We now live in a two-story house with a gigantic backyard with a beautiful swimming pool. As I'm walking into my new school, i realize that there is a big crowd of people. I decide to walk over and see what the crowd is talking about. I finally get through the big crowd and see that they are looking for people to sign up for the school musical. The musical is called "The Music Man". I thought that the name sounded familiar and then i remembered, at my old school, they showed the musical in the drama class. A lot of people consider it intriguing but in my opinion, it was not my favorite because there are more interesting things in the world. When I turn around and start to walk away, I suddenly bump into someone. I quickly grab my schedule that flew out of my hands, "I'm sorry! I wasn't looking at where I was going, and..."

"It's okay," I look up to see the guy I bumped into holding a binder with paper falling out of it, "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going either. Oh by the way my name is Aaron." He says as a paper falls out of his unorganized binder.

"My name's Alex." When I turn around and start to walk away, I get stopped. "Excuse me, Alex?" Said Aaron "Yes?" He asked, "Would you like me to help you find the office?"

I said, "I have already made it to the office, but I will need help finding my first class?" We soon start walking towards my first hour, math, with Mr. Hezerick. We get to my math class and Aaron says bye. I ask when I will see him next.

He takes a look at my schedule and says, "We have lunch and 5th period together, I will see you then!"

I walk into my 1st period and I walk up to the Mr. Hezerick's desk. "Hi, Im Alex Thomas, I'm new here." He then looks up with a bright smile on his face. "Welcome Alex, I am Mr. Hezerick. You will be sitting right here next to Ashley." I then walk over and sit in my desk and get settled.

I look over and say, "Hi, Im Alex." She then says, "Hi, Im Ashley and do you want to eat lunch with me?" I then say, "Thanks, but I'm sitting with Aaron. Your more than welcome to join us though!" She then tells me that she would love to join us. "Okay, See you then!"

1st period finishes and I start heading to my second period, French, with Mrs. Roznos.

I walk into second period and walk up to the teacher's desk. I do the same routine as first period, but meet a guy named Alec.

I turn to my right and see Alec staring at me. Suddenly he looks down. When I turn away I notice he raised his head back up and is staring at me again. He finally starts talking to me, "Why haven't I seen you before?" I start to blush. "Im new here. I just moved here from..." He interrupts me and says, "I don't need your life story or anything, I just wanted to know who you are."

2nd Period then starts.

Second Period just ended so now I'm getting up to go to 3rd period. Before I can leave the classroom, i get stopped. I turn to see Alec. He starts saying, "I know your new and all, but do you think maybe we could catch a movie sometime?" I ignore his question and walk out the door.

It's now lunch time and I try looking for Aaron. I open up my lunchbox to see I have a squashed Pb&J  sandwich and a bag of chips. Lunch is about 20 minutes usually so I packed a small lunch. Suddenly I hear a big crowd of laughter. I turn around to see Aaron with his tray dumped on the floor and red spaghetti sauce all over his shirt. I suddenly feel the urge to get up and go help him. "Hey, what's going on?", I said. The guy with the varsity jacket on says, " This guy just ran into me and dumped his tray on himself! -as he says dying of laughter-. "Its not right to laugh at someone who did something on accident, even if it is a little funny." 

The lunch bell rings and everyone heads to their 5th period.

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