Chapter 7

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Just before I left for the airport there was a knock at the door. I was still packing my carry on. I had all my plane essentials: gum, earbuds, socks, snacks,  the "special" lady protection, a book, a magazine, and of course money. My mom yells for me to come down and guess who is there? Alec. Im super confused but i talk to him anyway. "What are you doing here?" He just keeps grinning. "Can we talk outside? Alone?" That was the clue for my mom to leave. We get outside and he just keeps smiling. "So your moving..." And duh I would say yeah. "Well, I just want to let you know that you mean a lot to me. I was going to talk to you soon about maybe getting back together. I know we didnt date for a while but im just so lost without you." Im completely speechless. But, I get the courage to talk. "Um... so your lost without me? Well, I dont know if i can trust you to not cheat on me. You cheated on me when I was still in the same state. How can I trust you when im in a whole other country?" He sat down on the porch. He started saying, "I didnt mean to cheat. I just was with my buddies and it was a dare. I didnt mean to. Im so sorry, Alex. Please forgive me." I just couldnt think. So I opened my mouth and started talking. "I guess we could try long distance. BUT, if i find out your cheating on me or anything else, im done. Forever."
Thats when he jumps up. He grabs my face and pulls me close for a kiss. Not just a peck. A long passionate kiss. He missed me. He is going to miss me. And to be honest. Ill miss him.

My mom comes out and yells that its time to leave for the airport. Alec kisses me one more time and yells goodbye. My mom, dad, and I leave for the airport. We board the plane. We travel for maybe 4 hours and then things start happening and it isnt good.

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