Chapter 6

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Today I go over to Ashley's house to tell her I am moving. Im so scared of what she will say or do. What if she starts to freak? What if she hates me? Will she ignore me?
I was completely wrong. Well, not completely but she started crying, then laughing, then got angry. Period?? Okay, well she then assured me that she REALLY wants to go with me but I left without answering. Why wouldnt she support me? Make me feel better about moving? I know i have only been here for a couple of months but we have really gotten to know each other.

I guess news spreads fast because when I got to school, EVERYONE was talking about me. Well, maybe not EVERYONE. But most people. As i pass people to get to the office, I hear mutters of my name and things like "She is going to go live with her dad" or "She got expelled." I dont really care what people say. They dont need to know my personal information.

When I got to the office I got my "leaving sheet" which checks off that i have turned in all my textbooks and stuff like that. I also had to clean out my locker. Lucky for me, I hadn't even used my locker. Next was to get my money from my lunch account. I had exactly $30 left (Ill save that for snacks). That was pretty much all I needed to do other than say goodbye to all my friends. Well, maybe not friends. Probably acquaintances. But whatever. I approached the lunch table and everyone seemed so calm. Besides Aaron. I guess he has a test or something coming up. "WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME YOU ARE MOVING? I had to hear from some teacher." Aaron was going crazy. I didnt know what to say, " sorry?" That made him mad and he stormed off.

I ran into Aaron before the day ended. He was sitting on the sidewalk with his head in a book. I approach him. "Hey Aaron. Im sorry I didnt tell you I was moving. I just found out myself. Im super sorry." He just stood up, hugged me, and said goodbye. And that was it.

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