Chapter 4

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A month passed and me and Alec were getting closer. He started to get more comfortable with me. We would walk around the hallways and he would either hold my hand or have his arm around my shoulder. During lunch, he approaches me. He says, "I dont think you and me are gonna work out."  I turn to look and behind him I notice that the people who sit at his lunch table are laughing. Alec turns around to walk away and I realize why his friends were laughing. He had a big sign on his butt that says,"I cheated on my Girlfriend." I got up immediately, slapped him, and then ran out of the cafeteria, crying. I turn around to see if Alec was following me, but no one was in sight. I ran to the ladie's restroom and cleaned off my face. I walked out to see that lunch was over and I needed to hurry to my next class, but shoot, it was with Alec.

I walk into 5th period and Alec sees me and immediately stands up and walks over to me. I immediately have many questions popping into my head. The first one to come out of my mouth was, "Who was it? Who did you cheat on me with?" He looked so scared and sad. He said, "You don't know her, she goes to another high school." Without even saying sorry, he walks away.

After class, Alec approaches me and said, "So, I'm assuming that we are broken up?" All I could think about was how much of a jerk he was and how much I hated him. I walked out of the room quickly and to my next hour.

When I got home from school, I immediately ran up to my room to cry. My mom got home from work about 2 hours after I got home. She saw all of the kleenexes on the floor and immediately laid me in her arms. I explained to her what had happened that day at school and she left me and laid a blanket on me. I was left there to cry on my own.

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