Chapter 3

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Im leaving in 5 minutes to go on my first date with Alec. I can't quit smiling. Im so excited. My parents yell that Alec is here, so I grab my purse and walk down the stairs. Suddenly I see this tall, brown- haired, blue-eyed, gorgeous guy. I step down the stairs and he says, "Wow, you look...Wow." I start to blush and say, "Thank you, You look very handsome!" We say goodbye to my parents and we head to the movies.

When we get there he asks me what movie we should see. I choose The Fault In Our Stars thinking that if i start to cry that he will put his arm around me.

We settle into our seats. I start watching the previews and he starts to yawn and stretch. Suddenly I realize he was putting his arm around me. I start to get cold so he gives me his jacket. The movie starts and I start to cry. I cry on the part where Hazel Grace goes into the hospital, so Alec hugs me tight and kisses my forehead.

He drops me off at home and walks me up to the door. Before I go inside he says, "Alex, I really like you. Thank you for going out tonight." I tell him thanks and he kisses me! Ahhhhh! My first kiss! This night couldnt get any better!

I go inside and I go and take a long soothing shower. I get into my pajamas and braid my hair. I turn on the tv to watch netflix and crawl under the covers. I fall asleep in 10 min.

On Monday we go back to school. Alec and I walk through the hallways holding hands. He walks me to my first hour and kisses me goodbye. I walk in and sit next to Ashley. "You cant go out with him!",she said. I asked why and she said that he is a player. I denied it and she said she warned me so when im heartbroken and crying that I had been warned already.

Later after math ended, I walk to French and I see Alec standing in front of the classroom door. "I've been waiting for you!", he said. I told him that he didnt need to, but he insisted. He takes my hand and we walk into the classroom and sit down. He asks me if I wanted to sit with him at lunch. I tell him yes and kiss him. 

Later at lunch I look around for Alec. I turn to my right and see him sitting alone at a table while calling me over. I walk over and sit down and he says, "I would rather sit alone with you than sit with any of those other jerks." I tell him that he is sweet. I then open up my lunch and I happen to notice that Alec has no lunch. I ask, "Why do you not have any lunch?" He tells me that he is not very hungry and that the bell is going to ring soon and I need to eat. I finish eating and he throws my trash away and walks me to my 5th hour.

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