Chapter 9

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I apparently had fallen asleep because when I woke up, I was on a plane WITH my mom on one side and my dad on the other. That was a terrible dream. Sitting in front of me was a magazine I was reading. The headline was "Worst Plane Crash In History." OF COARSE THATS WHERE I GOT MY DREAM FROM. My face was all wet. I probably sleep cried. The plane was getting ready to land.

Once we got off the plane, we rented a car (just until we buy a new car). We then drove to our new house. I walked in and found my room. IT WAS TWO TIMES THE SIZE OF MY LAST ONE. It was blue. Not dark blue. But not light blue. Kind of like frosting blue. It had butterflies all over the walls. I guess a little girl had lived here. I carry my bag and set it on my bed the movers brought in. 

After HOURS of unpacking, I finally finished my room. Everything is put specifically how i want it. I had shelves filled with organization buckets and stuff. I placed a picture of Alec on my night stand. I know its cheesy but I miss him. That reminds me, I need to call him. "Hey babe." He sounds a little quiet. "Hey Alec. Whats going on?" "Im in school..." Omg, I forgot that he was in school!! "Im so sorry. Call me later!!" I walk downstairs to see mom and dad crying at the table. "Whats going on??" I start getting tears in my eyes. Mom starts to talk but cant finish. So dad says, "Grandma is sick. We have to go back. Im looking into houses." I immediately run upstairs and slam the door. I run over to my bed and slam my head in the pillow. Why did this have to happen now??

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