Chapter 6/Party PT.1/(unedited)

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PG-13 Swearing

Disclaimer:I don't own South Park or Kenny, just the plot. Credit to the artist for the picture above.
Word count:2910

Plz read A/N after the chapter c: Oh, and lucky to those people who saw the chapter earlier. I accidentally published a unfinished chapter and someone voted it before I could delete it. D: That was embarrasing so update your library and don't look at the unfinished one! So carry on.

I slowly trotted across my room to get my clothes. It was an hour before the party started and I was currently wrapped in a towel. I just emerged from the bathroom with my (h/c) hair still damp.

I went over to my closet and moved over piece by piece of shirts and dresses. I was about to give up finding a suitable outfit, until I stopped looking to see a magnificent dress hanging there gathering dust.

I snatched it from the hanger and wiped off dust that lingered on the fabric. How did I not notice this before? There was no strings sticking out or stains anywhere, so that signified that I never wore this before. I reached out my hand and felt the fabric; it felt like silk. The outer appearance of the dress could be easily be mistaken for cotton. The dress was white as snow with thin straps, but an opening in the back. The front was a V-neck, but covered enough just for class. The top part was normal until you go to the waist, down. The frills at the bottom made it look somewhat of a tutu; the frills still drape gracefully like curtains. It was nothing dramatic, but still enough to get someone to glance your way.

The excitement to try it on took over and I hastily threw the towel off and put on undergarments, then the masterpiece. I smoothed out the garb and walked over to the mirror. I was astounded on how it looked on me. It dangled to above my knees revealing a bit of my thigh. The V-neck showed the area around my collar bone for men's eyes to wonder, but not too low to show off any cleavage, and I twirled around to see the opening in the back of the dress which gave my bare back the time to shine.

I smiled at myself and muttered,"This is it."

For no particular reason,I started spinning around my room making the ends of the dress fly up slightly. I put my arms out and doing a, "graceful" ,dance forgetting the purpose of putting it on in the first place. Suddenly, there was reapeated knocks behind my door, ruining my moment if freedom.

"(y/n), there's someone on the phone for you!", Sam's voice resounded with his/her continuous pounds on my poor door.
I swung open the door with the house phone instantly shoved in front of my face. I snatched it from him/her and waved my hands dismissively to shoo him/her away. I brought the phone up to my ear and answered.

"Hello?", I asked.

"Yo. What's your status? Are you done or am I comming over to help your ass up?", I hear Danish say through the speaker.

"Uh, yeah. I just got a dress, but I still need to do the other mumbo jumbo.", I told her. My mood slightly darkened once I remembered what my mission was.

"Okay, well, I'm at your front door so you might want to let me in.", she said.

My (e/c) eyes widened."How did you get here so quick?"

"Oh, wait nevermind, Sam just let me in. Good kid.", She complimented. I can hear Sam's giggles in the background.

"That damn brat.", I muttered. I hung up the phone and threw it somewhere on the bed.

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