Tiny Update//GOING HIATUS?

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What's up everybody?

Guess who's back, back again!
Back from the dead! Meaning I was on hiatus

Anybody still keepin' up with current events?

Okay, let not sugar coat anything here. So I'm obviously WAY over the deadline for ch.9 (originally was supposed to come out in May)

Therefore I apologize to all my dedicated readers who are just anxious to find out what happens next in my story.

You guys don't know how thankful I am for the support and comments. I love getting comments because that means you guys took the time to share something with me. I do read all of them and reply to most of them.

And I'm specifically mentioning comments is because that is the only thing that's keeping me on this site.

Not going to lie, I used to go on Wattpad continuously ever since the day I made my account. I checked story updates, votes, and views anytime I could. Whether it be the morning I wake up, lunch, during classes, after school, or in the middle of the night.

I was addicted.

But now it has been, what, 2 years?
For 2 years I have been going back and fourth trying to stay active with my best foot forward.

Now? I just got, I don't know, tired.

Before you get triggered:

This does not mean in any way that I'm discontinuing this story or leaving Wattpad for good. Hell no am I letting that happen.

Unless I'm dead, there is no way I'm leaving until I finish this story.

I know the feeling of having this story that you're hooked up on and then suddenly, smack! The big word DISCONTINUED goes across your screen as it overwhelms the title.

I am absolutely not letting that happen to this story that I poured in all my imaginations, thoughts, research, hours of re-watching South Park episodes(not that I minded this one) to go all to waste.

So back to what I was saying, I'm getting more and more unmotivated to stay on Wattpad.(actually I'm also feeling really unmotivated in life right now, which could be an add on to why I'm on a small hiatus, but this isn't about my real life at the moment.)

It has been a week since I last logged on. Doing the same thing over and over again got boring for me. All my adrenaline to power on my phone and go to the app is gone. No update in design or anything is going to change how Wattpad is essentially. And that slightly worries me. I don't want to get bored of Wattpad. The community is actually pretty cool, and I love talking to you guys! I've gone attached to this fan fiction I first made without any intent or idea that I was going to reach such a big following!

Also, 10K READS IS AMAZING THANK YOU SPECIAL PERSON, YES YOU, FOR CONTRIBUTING TO MAKING THE NUMBER OF READS GROW THIS MUCH. I don't know why you guys would notice such a trash, meme-filled, less than mediocre, excuse of a fan fiction.

You guys think that when people say, "Oh make sure you comment and like this story! It really helps me out!" They're just asking for exposure and popularity.

Well, you might not be wrong about that one. BUT! But just trust my words here, those comments and favorites really do help me out. It is my only motivation.

I'm was at first on a tightrope, wondering if I should just drop everything, but you. You wonderful people are the ones holding that rope steady to keep me on this community. The only reason I try so hard on my story is the please my audience. Just know that I appreciate all the comments and star things so keep it up!

(POST DANISH) Aug.16,16

OKAY future Danish here!

Any questions, concerns, suggestions, or just want to share anything with me,


is where Im at. See ya there!


Thank you for taking your precious time in life to read this . I know the first thoughts are, "WOW this chick is over exaggerating the fuck out of this." But I just wanted to be open to you guys, so those were my honest thoughts. Deal with it.

Just joking I love you.

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