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"It's Jayden, he wants to know if I can come over for a sleepover tonight?" 

"Oh, well are you sure you want to go to a sleepover at Jayden's, with the." 

"Oh, no, Jayden doesn't have the stomach flu anymore, so I don't think he's contagious and that's not what got Oliver sick." 

"No, I mean because you're wearing pull ups."

"No, It's okay." 

Issac's mom raised her eyebrows. 

"Are you sure?" 



Issac smiled. 


Issac put the phone back up to his ear and walked back into the living room. 

Issac's mom took another sip of her coffee when she suddenly realized. 


A few minutes later Issac walked back into the dining room and sat down, his pull up making a squishing sound as he did. '

"Sounds like you have a full pull up." 

"Yeah, I peed in it twice, it's pretty full but it hasn't leaked." 

"Do you want a change now or wait until after breakfast?" 

"Uh, I think I should get a change now." 


Issac quickly had his pull up changed and then he and his mom went back to breakfast. 

Issac was on his second help of pancackes when his mom suddenly cleared her throat again. 

"Have you been using the pacifiers?" 

Issac blushed. 

"Um, yeah, I have?" 

His mom nodded. 

"Am I not supposed too? I'm not really sure." 

"You are." 




"I'm going to ask you something and I want you to be totally honest with me." 


Issac's mom cleared her throat and then put her coffee cup down. 

"Would you like to wear diapers or pull ups permanently instead of boxers once this punishment is over?" 

"Um, I, I would and I've thought about that because you know I like diapers and I've had the occasional fantasy about being treated like a toddler but I really don't think that it's realistic, it's a great fantasy but again it's not realistic." 


"And, I mean, I'm sure there's kids at my school who wet the bed and wear pull ups and goodnites to bed but I don't think there's any who wear diapers to school, at least not that I know of." 


"And being known as diaper boy at school isn't the best idea." 


His mom took another sip of coffee. 

"You've thought about being treated like a toddler?" 

"Yeah, uh, a couple times, it's not a regular thought though." 


"And again, I don't think that's realistic." 


"Um, you didn't want me to be a toddler right?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"Like, you didn't want to turn me back into a toddler or something?" 

"No, of course not! Issac your punishment was to wear pull ups and I know I bought you sippy cups and pacifiers but I'm not trying to make you a toddler again." 

"Okay, and I really don't want to." 

"Right, and I like I told you, I felt since your wearing pull ups which are meant for toddlers, it's only fair that you have other items meant for toddlers." 

Issac thought for a minute. 

"Oh yeah, that's right." 

"Yes, your punishment is not turning you back into a toddler." 

Issac nodded. 


"I know how that can seem confusing." 

"Yeah, yeah."

"In all fairnes having a thirteen year old whose basically a toddler just seems like a lot of work and is also unfair to you." 

"Uh, huh."

"I mean toddlers are a lot of work in general." 


"Were you thinking that's what I was going to do?" That I was going to turn you back into a toddler?" 

"When I was walking downstairs this morning, that did cross my mind a little bit?" 

"How come?" 

"I don't know." 

"Issac, sweetie, again that never crossed my mind and as you said it's not realistic." 

"Yeah, true." 

"Anyways, I want to make am adjusment to when you can use the potty." 


"You can also you the toilet when you have to poop as well." 


"I just, I don't like changing poopy pull ups." 

"That's fair, I don't really like pooping in pull ups, diapers are better for pooping in." 

Issac thought for a moment. 

"Wait that last part sounded weird." 

Issac and his mom laughed. 

"Speaking of diapers, would you at least like to wear tape on diapers? Maybe next weekend? Is that something you'd like?" 

Yeah, it is actually." 

"Okay, we'll pick up a pack of diapers, whatever brand you like and some Toy Story pull ups when we go grocery shopping." 


"Well, let's finish up breakfast and then change and go grocery shopping before I drop you off at Jayden's and Evan gets home." 

"Right, absolutely." 

Issac and his mom then finished up breakfast and then changed Issac's pull up and then headed upstairs to change clothes. Issac put on a pair of plaid pajama pants, a sweatshirt and a baseball hat and then his checkerboard Vans before he and his mom headed out to do their grocery shopping. 

The Princess Pull Up PunishmentWhere stories live. Discover now