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Onika MarajLos Angeles, CA

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Onika Maraj
Los Angeles, CA

I was sitting on the bed, waiting for Beyoncé to get out of the shower. The girls were with Lauren, off exploring Los Angeles for the night.

It was around 7 p.m. here in LA, and all I could think about was having a real conversation with Bey—and hopefully ending the night with my legs spread.

I was a little nervous to talk to her or even explain my insecurity, it's not easy to just talk about.

But if I want this to work, I have to.

My phone vibrated and I picked it up seeing lauren facetiming me, I smiled and picked up my phone seeing Lauren holding Raiya who looked scared.

I picked up Lauren's FaceTime and asked, "Where are y'all?"

Lauren was laughing on this swing thing, her childish ass having more fun than the kids. "We're at this funhouse. Your bad ass baby scared," she said.

I heard Raiya whining and crawling up Lauren, clinging to her shirt. Lauren laughed and said, "Okay baby tt sorry."

I replied, "Bitch, don't do her like that. Where's my other kids?"

Lauren turned the camera around, showing Amora and Romi in a ball pit, both of them cracking up.

"Mora and RoRo, mommy's on the phone," Lauren said, moving closer.

Amora waved and said, "Hi mommy!"

Romi was too busy with the balls to even look up.

I asked, "Raiya don't like being in there with them?"

Amora said, "No mommy, she's scared."

I told Amora, "I'm glad you're having fun, sweetie."

Then Lauren turned the camera back to her and said, "I was calling to see if things were going okay?"

I answered, "Yeah, she's in the shower. I'm about to talk to her."

Lauren joked, "Okay sister, I hope you get that back cracked."

I saw Beyoncé coming out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel and still on her phone.

I said to Lauren, "I'll talk to you later."

When I hung up the phone, I called out, "Baby?"

She responded with a distracted, "Hmm," still focused on her phone.

I asked, "Can you put your phone down for a second?"

Her passive-aggressive tone caught me off guard as she replied, "For what?"

"I need to talk to you," I said, trying to keep my frustration in check.

She sighed, "Okay, but I need to get ready."

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