I cant handle this

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(Cams p.o.v)
"Nash is can't handle her" I say "she's just too much work" Nash screams back your gonna take her back to the orphanage were they beat her" I replied now also screaming "of course not I'm taking her to a better orphanage I'll search it up online"! Nash scream the loudest I ever heard him scream" you can't take away my princess" he run away and matt and Shawn come in and scream " what happened " i say "I'm taking Rillee back" I walk up to Rillees from were she is peacefully sleeping and picket her up and start walking down stairs Taylor comes out of his room and "says where are you taking her"groggily is say "back" and bolt down the stairs the bouncing woke up Rillee and she said where are we going "back" was all I could say when I got down Nash screamed "no Cam stop" but I didn't I put her in her seat and drove off.
(Nash's p.o.v) cam took Rillee away her took my princess I will never and I mean NEVER fully forgive him I wonder if he's taking her back I can just see in now here getting beaten and drown and it being all my fault I should've grabbed her I shouldn't have yelled then she'd still be here I ran to my room balling
*three days later * cam finally retuned but I'm still not taking to him I'm taking this the worst I haven't eaten in all these three days I don't know what to do I miss her so much cam seems happy how can he be happy wow I really hate him.
(A/N sorry for the short chapter but I have no other ideas sowwey😁😁)

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