Chapter 9

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After I got done hugging all the guys some girl came down the steps in booty shorts uggs and a crop top no not a crop top a cropped crop top like damn.
She walked up to me and said "oh you must be Ricky your so cute"and pinched my cheeks. I give her a disgusting look yah no I'm not dealing with her so I fire back "my names Rillee and I'm 11 I'm not cute I'm bomb af so don't come here when you clearly know my name wearing your booty shorts with you high pitched voice trying to act nice don't test me" she smirked and said "at least I'm not a suicidal freak" I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek how did she know. Like she read my mind she said "the scars at visible Ricky" alright she called me Ricky one too many times so I said "you know your right come here" she leaned in to my face and I slapped her and pushed her and ran to Nash crying and hugged him all the boys looked shocked but Dad ran over to the girl and said "baby are you okay" I scoffed and he helped her up and looked back at my and yelled " What the hell Ricky I knew I shouldn't have taken you back you always cause trouble" Did this hoe just call me Ricky, my dad just called me Ricky I'm beyond pissed now I turn to him and said "your right take me back in ready to go" woooooow just wooow I can not believe he called me Ricky I'm gonna say something "and really you know my names not Ricky so why would you do that why would you say that wow the problem is you not me you always side with the caked faced fakes" (see what I did there haaaaaa she's still three in her heart)

Wooow cameron is being a jerk should I make him a bit nicer

Any way

Goodbye love you little llamas

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