{Chapter 9}

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"Okay, one, two, three, four, five. . ."

We all start running to find places to hide and I end up bumping everyone and Uriah falls on the floor making it much harder for us to contain our laughter.

I see a sliding panel that is a cabinet for holding movies and DVD's but there's not much in there so I quickly slide in as she finishes off at twenty. I make sure the door is shut and I just stay quiet.

I hear some shuffling, running, and laughing. . . Crap, where in the hell is base at?

"Everyone made it except two people, Tris and Taylor." Uriah says breathing heavily.

"Game over!!" He shouts obviously waiting for me to come out.

I peek through and see Taylor walk out and they congratulate her so I take that as the okay and I slide the panel open and slip out while everyone stares at me with shock.

"You could actually fit in that?" Zeke chuckles and I nod.

"I'm really tiny." I say

"Not all of you." Nathan mutters and I slap his arm and he laughs.

"Brooklyn and Michael are out, so that leaves; Myself, Four, Uriah, Will, Al, Nathan, and Joshua. On the ladies side; Shauna, Tris, Marlene, Christina, Lynn, Taylor, Nicole, and Olivia." Zeke says and we all take out a deep breath.

"Next game, Never Have I Ever. This game we are going to use our hands instead of alcohol because that's later for Truth or Dare so let's get in a circle." Uriah says excitedly as we all get in a circle.

"Wait, I'll be right back." I say then take off upstairs through the living room upstairs again and into Zeke's room. I look through my purse and quickly put a sports bra under my bra and some spandex over my underwear.

I take off my shoes and put on my pink and black socks. I grab my phone and quickly slide my way back downstairs where I see everyone talking.

"Sorry." I pant showing them my phone for proof of what I had to do.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road. Loser has to sit out with Brooklyn and Mike." Uriah says holding up ten fingers.

"I'll start, never have I ever. . . not wanted to go shopping." Christina says and I scoff placing my finger down along with Lynn.

"Never have I ever, been arrested." I say and Four, Uriah, and Zeke put a finger down laughing a bit.

"I could believe it." I say with a chuckle and everyone agrees.

"Never have I ever, French kissed someone before." Uriah says wiggling his eyebrows and Christina, myself, Four. . . Well everyone basically except Nicole puts their finger down.

Great, only eight fingers left and we just started.

"Never have I ever, struggled to put on a pair of jeans." Joshua says and I scoff.

"Always." I comment rolling my eyes putting my finger down along with Christina. I hear a few mutters of I could believe that's and I know why's from the guys but I ignore them.

"Never have I ever. . . been on the popular page for vine." Lynn smirks evilly at me. I roll my eyes and place my finger down.

Six fingers left.


This game goes on for a bit and I only have three fingers up while, Uriah has two, Zeke has five, Four has well. . . Four, Al has seven, Will has five, Nathan has one, Joshua has two.

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