{Chapter 47}

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"So, you mean to tell me that we have all of this gymnastic's equipment, but no team?" I ask coach Colemen as we stand in the storage closet. We practiced for about thirty minutes and I am beat, it was a non-stop practice. I wish I was the kids that isn't on either team that work upstairs in the weight's room. I regret listening to Christina to join this bloody team, but then again I would probably be lonely on the track team.

"We had a team years ago, but after that no one really tried out. So we have stuff like balance beams, uneven bars, mats, stuff like that." She says and all of a sudden slim squeals loudly, Lily is slim, the girl on the track and cheering squad, she helped us with the bake sale.

"We could get a team!" Slim shouts happily and Christina squeals too and jumps in her arms while Lynn gives a frustrated groan covering her ears. . . I feel you Lynn, I feel you.

"Track, Cheerleading, and Gymnastics! Hell no!" I shout rolling my eyes because I know that Christina will make me try out. Christina pouts and grabs a hold of my arms shaking them back and forth.

"Please! Cheering and Gymnastic's can be combined!"

"Then people on the Gymnastic's team will have to go to cheer practice."

"Well, if there is a Gymnastic's team, I'm not joining." Lynn says as she looks up and down from the uneven bars, "Those leotards are very tiny and I am not walking around in a bathing suit!"

"Please Coach!" The girls start pleading and I groan loudly at all of them.

"I will look into it." She says and all of the girls cheer while I groan loudly.


"You know, it seemed like you ignored me the whole time when you were in New York." Eric says sitting on the edge of his bed taking off his shoes as I sit as his desk working on my math homework. My head perches up to look at him in the eye.

"I was busy." I shrug my shoulders turning back to my work at his desk, "I had meetings, and went out with my friends that I barely had enough time to go to sleep." I say and I hear him sigh and out of nowhere I see his toned, tattooed arms wrapping around me and he pecks my cheek and then kisses my neck.

"I hope you weren't cheating on me." He says and I fight the urge to turn around and slap him in the face, why would he even think of that? When he was cheating on me, I didn't even think that what he was doing until Christina told me and I was confronted by the slut.

"Why would you say that? I wasn't cheating on you." I might have made out with Four though.

"Okay." He sounds like he is believing me but isn't sure. Just because I don't text you every second doesn't mean i'm bent over for some guy.

"Can I have a kiss?" He asks and I give a fake smile turning my head and pressing my lips on his and he grabs my face making the rolling chair turn around and kisses me harder on the lips making me tilt my head up. I feel him lift me up but I pull away from his lips.

"I have homework to finish." I say with a fake pout. Everything to me seems fake about this relationship. I want him to think that I care but I am really considering breaking it off with him, I really don't feel that spark with him like I did when I was younger, before he cheated on me. Getting back with him was a dumb decision and I kind of regret it.

"Can't it wait?"

"I really have to get this math done, it's due tomorrow. I'm almost done though."



I look through my make up bag to find some concealer but I don't have any because I don't wear concealer. I have great amounts of mascara, eyeliner, and lip wear though. That is why Christina dresses me up most of the time because I don't have the equipment that she needs.

I need concealer to hide these damn hickey's that Eric left on me. I am getting ready for school at the moment and I am really trying to avoid my parents because I came home really late last night because Eric is. . . Eric.

"Ugh." I groan rolling my eyes heading towards my bedroom to look in the nightstand drawers to hope to find some concealer that Christina or one of the girls left her once but I find nothing. I hear a slight knock on my door and then it opens as I put on some dark blue timberland's,  heart starts to race and I hope that it isn't my parents.

"Tris?" I hear Caleb say peeking his head through the door and he sees me sitting on the bed and he opens the door slightly and crosses his arms.

"Yo." I nod my head and stand up walking to my dresser to put on some jewelry. Today my outfit is simple; light washed high waist jeans with a black belt, a white shirt that is tied in the front and a blue plaid shirt that comes down to my knees, it's almost like a jacket.

"You came in pretty late last night." He says and I nod my head at him, last night I called him to open the door since I was late coming in end everyone was sleep.

"Yeah, I was with Eric." I say putting on a gold chain and my black nose ring.

"I know, I just don't want you to get hurt or your heart broken." He says and I turn to him smiling and he looks taken back. He expects me to be all upset that he is invading but I'm completely fine.

"Thanks." I say giving him a hug and he smiles patting my back.

"No problem?"

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