{Chapter 23}

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My alarm blares in my ear at exactly six in the morning making me groan. I had to wake up an hour early than normal because we have to still set up the table for the sweets and be able to sell them before first period starts.

Coach sent us an email last night regarding our attire to wear today and she wanted us to wear our cheer uniform for Monday and we have to wear school colors the rest of the week or something that shows our 'school pride'.

I slide my way out of my bed, turning off my alarm. I grab my towel and go into the bathroom, taking a shower to wake me up. Once I am finished I get out and dry off, I put on some cocoa butter and then I slide on a black bra set.

I fish through my closet to find my cheer uniform and it is close to the back. I slip on the black skater skirt and the long-sleeve crop top that has 'Tigers' written across the top in red. I slip on my black and red air Jordan 12's over black and red colorful socks and I walk over to my mirror.

I find a golden nose ring and I put it in my nose, I find a black dangle belly ring and place that in. I fill in my ear with earrings where various holes are. I just leave my hair curly and spray a little spray on it so it stays in it's damp, curly stage. For make up I just put on my usual mascara, eyeliner, and I decide on red lipstick.

I put on a gold Rolex and I grab my book-bag. I put it on my shoulders, and I grab my phone. I put on some various rings and I make my bed. I look in the mirror and I look really good which instantly gives me an idea for a vine. I grab my phone and hold the camera up to my face as it goes to the camera on vine.

"You look cute. . . today." I say and cut it off turning to the side. "I mean I don't look cute any other day, I need to know?" I say in a weird voice.

I turn the camera off and edit it to make it more smoother as I walk down the steps. The smell of bacon and blueberries hit my noise as I bend the corner to go into the kitchen.

"Morning." I say to my mother as she makes plates, she is such a great mom for getting up earlier to make breakfast. I don't know why she is in such a good mood because any other time should would make me get my own food.

I scarf down my breakfast and down a glass of apple juice and I make sure my lipstick is still in tact before I stand up slinging my backpack on my shoulders.

"In a hurry?" Mom says with a chuckle taking my plate away from me and I nod my head as I pick up the two bags that hold a fair share of cupcakes, brownies, and cookies.

"Bye mom, love you tell dad bye for me." I say and she nods her head.

"Bye sweetie, have a good day, sell a lot."


I hold my phone up to my face as I dance in the car to I know U Like It by Djsnake. It's just a little snip of me being crazy and dancing in the car as I drive to school. I click the publish button after checking through it and I pull into the school parking lot.

I park my jeep in one close to the front entrance beside other cars. I love coming here early because you find the best parking spots. I get out making sure I have everything and I make my way to the double doors, I have to buzz the button to let them know I am here. I hear the doors click signaling it's unlocked and I walk inside.

I wave at Mrs. Johnson who works in the office through the glass panels. I see her pointing to the cafeteria direction where the auditorium is also at. I nod my head walking to the cafeteria where I smell the unhealthy breakfast foods they sell. I push through the double doors that are against the wall and bend the corner to see the girls on the stage bended over working on four posters.

"Hey!" I say, letting them know I am here. They turn around and wave at me. I put my bags at a row of seats and walk up the steps to the stage.

I look over the different color poster-boards that say 'Bake Sale' but have different decorations. I jump in and start working on the poster boards. Christina, myself and Megan will be working at the booth that is by Tori's room, that is where all of the football players, basketball, wrestlers, rugby, hockey, and lacrosse players hang. Mostly, boys of course, but it is also busy because Tori's hallway stays turnt. Lynn, Shauna, and Slim are going to do the one where the main office is, Marlene, Blu, Jazz are going to going to do the one by room 1890.

Lastly, Oliva, Nita, and Ashley are going to be selling from the table that is located by the back doors.

Once the posters are ready we let them dry first and we start to work on the tables that were set up Friday for us once school was let out. I put down the black, plastic table cloth and Christina puts red clamps down to hold it from flying away. We put the 'register' in between us on the table and we fill it up with the baked goods.

We make sure we have plastic bags and we go retrieve the poster and we tape it on the front edge so it hangs, we step back and stare at it with amazement. It looks great. Christina and I take a picture of it, then a picture with me and the table. Then, a picture with her on it and then we take a selfie with it and post it on Instagram.

We just sit there, talking and playing games until we hear the rowdy shouting of the rugby team. We give each other a glance and turn our heads down the hall at them walking full speed to us.


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