23. To Be Or Not To Be....Kickass

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**** here we goooooooo ;) hope you enjoy. Most of us knew this was gonna be happening XD ****

We took advantage of having the beach to ourselves, surfing and swimming, tanning, or in Leah's and my case: falling asleep in the sun, all day.

Luna and Echo were holding hands and spinning round and round, spraying sand everywhere, and I was laying on my surfboard riding with the tide, smiling at them while Leah kept turning by me fast so that water splashed in my face.

Everyone joined me in the water, sitting on our boards side by side and watching the sun set.

I smiled up at the moon as the sun disappeared beneath the horizon, holding Leah's hand, laying my other hand in the water to make ripples and waves.

The torches on the beach, and the lights to the cabin porch cast orange glows to the beach. The orange contrasted against the blue glow from the moon.

I thought I would be scared to be in the water at night, knowing it wouldn't be like the day where I could see down to the bottom, the water clear and light blue.

I thought I would be too scared at night, scared about sharks because I couldn't see the bottom, where a shark may be swimming for it's nightly feeding frenzy.

But I wasn't. I was strangely calm. I felt calm here; it felt serene, intimate, floating here in the water and staring at the moon.

Sharks were the least of my worries.

Douchebag dudes, however, should have been part of my worries.

I should've known that he wouldn't make good with our deal. But I didn't, which is why, when I saw 5 figures approaching, lit up by a fiery glow, I jumped in surprise and fright.

I nudged the girls and shifted so that I was facing the shore, paddling in closer, straining my eyes to see something recognizable in the fiery faceless figures.

By now, I had figured that it was James and company.

But I was still uneasy when my suspicions were confirmed, the guys stepping into the light facing us.

I paddled to shore, but something about their stance made me motion behind me, halting the others.

I was paranoid, I know. But I had every reason to be, didn't I? Years with Him-I didn't trust anyone.

I didn't know what they were here for. And five guys standing on our beach at night, did not look good.

I stuffed the surfboard's tip into the sand and held on to it firmly, all while staring down James.

"You agreed to the deal. You lost. So fucking leave" I said, crossing my arms across my chest.

His eyes slipped downwards for a flash, and then he was back staring in my eyes.

I felt like his eyes were violating me even when he was looking into my eyes. It gave me shivers.

"You didn't make good on the deal. You sabotaged me. So why should I hold up my end if you didn't hold up yours?" he said, shrugging like it made perfect sense.

"I didn't cheat, it was fair game. Now I'm gonna ask you again, one more time: leave" I said, glowering at him.

He stared at me for a while, saying nothing. Each moment passed in silence added to my growing unease.

"I know you like me. Give it up, and just let it happen, me on you, or you on me. You know you want to" he said finally, quirking his eyebrows.

"Give it up! I don't want you, and that's not gonna change, no matter how many times you say it" I said, sighing exasperatedly.

Goodbye Graceful (Ronnie Radke love story, 3rd book in The Drug In Me series )Where stories live. Discover now