voldemort and iggy azalea try to bomb the venue

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(((a/n: i dont know what this is lol!!!!!!!!!!!!)))

***backstage at The Strypes show in New York City***

Vampire Ross:  i hunger

Pete: for fecks sake mate i alredy fed yeh

Vampire Ross: ok thats nice but i need some more blood cuz im only 17 and im still like puberty age so i need to eat so i can grow into man

Angsty Evan: ok bitch PEte you have to go get Ross some blood

Pete: gud dem et fek me in de arse i am sick n ta'ard of all this shyte. what do u went me 2 do

Angsty Evan: idk kill someone

Pete: Evehn ur a feckin peece of shet nd i hate yeh i shuld kill yeh

Angsty Evan: ok thtas fucking fine i dont give a shit because Lee Brilleaux from Dr. Feelgood died in 1994 so im fine with going to hell and meeting him so go ahead and kill me

Oblivious Josh: hi whats going on

Vampire Ross: shut the fuck up Josh normie piece of shit go listen to some more Childish Gambino fucking normie scum

Oblivious Josh: *starts cryin Ghibli tears*

Pete: aight i gess i gotta go

you: *kicks the backstage door down* whats up motherfuckers Al-Qaeda is going to bomb the venue

Oblivious Josh: o mg no!! also what is al-qaeda???

Vampire Ross: ok Pete go kill them bring me their blood and Josh shut the fuck up

Angsty Evan: no let them bomb the place so i can die *remembers he is immortal* damn it

Pete: neh mate I dont kill peeple thas real fecked up i will deal w this and then go teh the harspital n get ye sum blood

You: ok Pete fucking sheep looking ass let's go

Pete: ya okay lol

Oblivious Josh: w8!!! is ur nose bleeding??

[ur wearing red glitter on ur face]

Me: no that's red glitter because I like to express physical injury in the form of something light hearted because i feel like someone should punch me in the face but nobody is

Angsty Evan: i know that feel

*****you and pete drive to the hospital and hes driving that moped that he was sitting on in that one picture of him from like 2012******

Pete: do u wanna get a Cheeky Nandos befar we rob the hospital

You: no there are no Nandos in New York

Pete: oh ya rite

***5 mins later***

Pete: ok we are at the harspital we have to fend sum blud

You: I know that shitiot

Pete: whats that lol

You: it's a mixture of shit and idiot

Pete: o i should start usin that *writes down on a little notepad a reminder that he has to look up that word on Urban Dictionary later*

***we in the harspital now***

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