josh the vampire

220 16 4

vampire ross: i hunger.....again.

pete: well thats too bad because i dont want to brek into anarther harspital.

vampire ross: oh so you just want me to die? ok go play the fucking show without me it'll suck ass since I have the best voice in the world and josh can't even make up for those little whiney noises that i make when i drag out words that gets all the ladies going and gets every dick within a miles radius hard

pete: you're such a needy nagging bitch jesus christmas

vampire ross: you know what fuck you [gothically stomps away in his brand new 5 inch Demonia platform boots]

pete: where do you think you're going?

vampire ross: [kelly from Shoes voice] im going to get what i want

[an hour later they all go out so the press can take pics]

pete: why is josh shaking?

vampire ross: i was hungry. sue me. actually dont do that.

pete: did you turn him into a vampire?

vampire ross: i didnt mean to okay. you might have to rob a hospital again. bring evan with you or something idk. and don't get the anemic blood like you did last time.

pete: what is josh doing now

 [josh is making that weird ass fucking face that he has made in literally every picture with the band for the past month]

evan: oh jesus lord he's at it again [sprays josh directly in the eyes with a spray bottle] the power of christ compels you


evan: a spray bottle of holy water that i use to control Ross with sometimes


evan: oh shit well that sucks. but now your eyes smell like Apple Cinnamon

josh: [starts screaming and tries to rip his buzzcut hair out but the hairs are so short and his fingers are so big he can't do it] THERE IS A STRONG SMELL OF FRESH HUMAN FLESH IN THE AIR

pete: yeah i bought this new shower gel from Bath & Body Works called Coconut Lime Breeze. thanks for noticing.

vampire ross: pete give him your neck

pete: no thats mad gay

photographer person: alright everyone smile

[Ross looks like he just sharted himself like always. pete actually smiles and you already know what Josh looks like]

evan: did you know the most unprotected person by law enforcement is the black transgender woman [gives a weak half-assed smile as the camera flashes]

pete: what the fuck was that

evan: shut the fuck up white boy

Nail: evan i hate to tell you this but you are also a white boy

evan: true. but im Social Justice Walsh so I win anyways.

photographer person: um can we take another one. i don't think josh was ready. his eyes were rolled back into his head. also evan was blinking

evan: i wasn't blinking i just don't want to look at this socially unjust capitalist world anymore

vampire ross: josh is fine. anyways we have to go right now immediately before he gets violent.

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