Chapter one: Taboo

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own fullmetal alchemist or fullmetal alchemist brotherhood or its characters; dis is a Fanfiction.
Authors note: this fanfic doesn't follow the plot of fma or fmab just a heads up so u can be returning or just starting out in fma and be (somewhat) safe, k? Love you all and thanks so much for clicking!!

Ella POV
"I'll bring you back, Ana, don't you worry," muttered Ella. "I know, I just know I have it right!" She screamed, clapping her hands and slamming them on the edge of the transmutation circle.


Ella screamed bloody hell as 2,5,10,20 hands, black and menacing, wrapped all around her, and then into her very being!

They pulled something out of her body.
Ella looked up wearily, light still blazing and saw the black hands taking away a ghost like forgive of Ella, herself, in a white flowing dress.
"No!" The ghost and Ella screamed as the ghost was pushed through the gate, and everything faded to black.

Light. So much light.

Ana never thought she'd see light again since the day she died. But now it was all around her, swirling and glowing and infinite.

The next thing Ana noticed was the cold. then the hardness underneath her. Blue eyes finally adjusting, Ana was able to sit up and survey her surroundings, eyes wandering over her her family's familiar yet horrifying basement.

Then she saw Ella.

Pale, unmoving, and wide-eyes Ella.
Ana, legs still too weak to stand, dragged her naked form over to her younger sister's side. leaning over her, Ana's tears stung Ella's young face.
"Ella, baby, come back! Don't leave!" She sobbed, "I can't be alone again! Please!"

Ella's baby blue eyes slowly opened.
"Ella!" Ana hugged her sister's limp form. "you did it, foolish girl, you brought me back!" She croaked. "I love you I love you I love you..."
Ella blinked and looked at the girl she supposed was her...sister?

Ana had sky blue eyes, like her sister, but something was different. Where Ana's long, white Ishbalen hair should have been, there were blue locks instead...

Ella had not returned Ana's embrace, or even spoken a single word to her. but, finally, both sisters lay huddled on the floor , Ana clutching Ella for dear life and Ella staring off into the infinite black if the night.

So...what did ha think? First chapter yay!! BREAKTHROUGH SON OF A HOBBIT! Don't forget to vote and follow if you like it!!

Always with food, Livvy

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