Chapter 3: State Alchemists

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💭Hieeee! If you've made it this far, I salute you! Thank you so much for reading! Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I try to be thorough! Love you ALL Enjoy💭

Ana woke up in a warm bed, hair messy and tangled, dressed in a red t shirt and grey sweatpants, both too big for her small frame.

The girls sat up, head still swimming, creating a slightly dizzy feeling. She tried to figure out where she was..what did she remember?

Looking left and right, she examined the room. it was quite plain, actually, except for the odd addition of a suit of (medieval?) armor.

Then there was him.

Ana let out a small squeak at the sight of the strange boy sitting next to her bed, sleeping in a chair. Clad in a red cloak and black pants, his braid was becoming slightly undone because of sleep. He shifted at her sound, but stayed asleep.

"Oh, your awake!" Said a young voice. The armor stood up, much to Ana's astonishment. She cowered back into her blankets.

"I-it's okay! I'm not- I'm Alphonse Elric! And this is my brother, Edward Elric." Alphonse gestures to the shortie in the chair. He then tried to shake his brother awake.

"Brother!" He called.

"Al!" Edward screamed, jerking out of the chair. "Huh- what's-" then Ed's gaze landed on Ana. "oh, she's awake!"
Edward seemed utterly delighted, literally DELIGHTED by that fact.

"Ella!" Ana croaked, finally acknowledging the dryness of her throat. "W-where am I?" She asked the brothers, hands shaking slightly. She winced at the sound of her voice, and some type of throbbing inside her head.
Ed's face turned soft.

He took one of her small hands in his cold, hard one and rested a warm one on top. Sitting at the edge of her bed, he tried to calm her down...tried.

"Um, it's alright! Your safe. Your in the city of central, in a military infirmary."


"Do you remember anything?" Alphonse asked her.

"I- I don't k-know.." She stuttered. She always stuttered when she was upset, or nervous.

"Where's my sister?" She asked Ed's retreating form, his silhouette retreating towards the door.

"The other girl? I don't know. But I do know someone who does." His head poked out, and he murmured something to a soldier sitting guard outside the door before closing the door once again.

"Do you remember your name?" Al asked as Ed walked back over.

"It's... Ana."

"Anything else?" Ed asked this time.

"I-" Ana concentrated, pushing through the pain in her head.

"I- I Died...I DIED!" She started hyperventilating, putting both of her hands on either sides of her head.
She was dead..she was dead...
How am I alive?!

It took Ana a few minutes of breathing to finally clam herself down. She looked back up to the brothers with ties sad eyes.

"Can you at least tell me if my sister is all right?" She whispered from under her dark lashes.

"I said it before; I don't know. But colonel Mustang might." Ed explained.
Ed walked back to look out of the door again.

Confused, Ana asked "Alphonse, who is Colonel Mustang?"

"He's the person in charge of this branch of the military..and he's a state alchemist, like brother."

State alchemist

State alchemist

State alchemist

Dogs of the Military of Amestris

How could I stand to be in the same room as a dog of the military, in the same city as a human weapon?

"Are you a state alchemist, Alphonse?" Ana's voice held the littlest amount of venom possible contrary to her hateful feelings inside.

"No, only brother."

The 'brother' in question came back from the door, walking slowly with his white gloves in his pockets.

'He really is quite short..'Ana thought out loud.


Tears welled in the corners of Ana's eyes. She wasn't sad or hurt..just surprised by Ed's sudden outburst.

"Brother! She didn't say all that!Apologize!"

Ana caught one of her tears on her finger and marvels at it. Man had she missed this world, cruel as it may be.

"Look! You made her cry, you idiot!" Al continued.

Seconds later the door to Ana's room burst open, revealing an Asian looking man with spiky black hair and a woman with blonde hair pinned up in the back.

The man took one glance at Ana and punched Edward with enough force that he slammed into Alphonse, who in turn slammed into the wall, his armor creating  a dent in the wall.

"What the hell did you do, fullmetal?"


"No, wait, it's all right! I'm okay!" She tried to say over the arguing of the short male and the taller one.

The blonde woman dragged the two apart, urgently whispering warnings to both of them before they separated to opposite ends of the room.
Ana liked the woman.

She introduced herself. "My name is Riza Hawkeye, and this is Lt. Cl. Roy Mustang. We're glad your awake."

"Thank you. My name is Ana Reiss. Is my sister all right? She asked.

"We'll tell you all you need to know," said mustang. "But first, we have a couple questions."

💭thanks for reading!! This was a little bit longer of a chapter but sometimes that has to be done 😋 please like and comment! VOTE! Your AUTHOR/RULER COMMANDETH OF HER PEOPLE!! Haha just kidding but please vote and follow me! Love you all!

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