Chapter 6: Please Dont Take Me

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💭hello there! Livvy here! I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you reading my story and voting and commenting! It really means a lot to me that I can write for fun and have other people like it too! enjoy!💭

Ed's POV

Well, dammit.

Ana escaped, mustang is furious with me, and now she's stuck in a giant box made of alchemy.

How the fuck am I supposed to get her out of there without accidentally crushing her?!

Edward and Alphonse Elric stood next to the giant stone box. Neither one of them wants to crush the girl, but they needed her out or bye bye state alchemist certification and all their access to military information.

Damn it.

I guess this is the only way.

"Ana! I know your in there!" Ed yelled in the direction of the box. Inside, Ella was cursing everything and everyone, and barely heard Ed.

She was not going to let him take her back. He was human! Not. An. Experiment.
But she didn't know how long she could hold up in a box with a sprained ankle and no food or water.

In Ana's panic for escape, she fell over the rocks on the ground and her left ankle became bent at an unnatural angle. Only after enclosing herself in the box had he pain registered in her brain.

"Ana, in the short time I've known you, I know that you won't let me take you back to central headquarters without the guarantee of your freedom." Ed began, "but," Edward gave eight a sigh into the cool winter air. "I might be able to help."

Inside the box, Ana was thoroughly confused. It was either a deal too good to be true or a trap to get her outside of her only line of defense.

She decided not to answer, but he continued anyway.

"I can't guarantee anything right now, but there's a pretty good chance that if you agree to come with us, Mustang might let you out of confinement."

Ana leaned back against the stone, sitting up, one knee against her chest. This could be a golden opportunity to gain her rights and freedom.
Then again.

"Why should I trust anything you say, state alchemist? Your people slaughtered my people. They're all dead or in hiding because of Amestris. And what do you mean, 'if I agree to come with you' ?" Ana asked.
I can't win
I can't win
I'm trapped
Trapped again

Ed suddenly remembered that Ana was half Ishvalen, and felt pity toward her. Loosing all of her people and her family. What does she have left?

"I mean that if you stalk with Alphonse and I, mustang may let you out of central headquarters, and maybe even the city of your with me. I am a part of the military, so it wouldn't like you'd be without watch dogs."

Ed really hoped this worked, even if he was unsure about if he wanted a mad Ishvalen with him and Alphonse, traveling with them wherever. But, perhaps he could learn something about how her sister had done the perfect transmutation that brought her sister back to life.

"Please." Edward sighed, leaning one hand in the walls.

Inwardly, Ana moaned at her availability of choices. She might be stubborn, but she knew when she was cornered, and she knew when she was beat. She'd never be able to get out of central in the condition she was in.

Ana swallowed her pride, and spoke. "If this is some kind of trick, I swear to god, I will fucking kill you!" She yelled. "But your my only option, so STAND BACK!"

Ed and Al moved a few paces away as the walls began receding into the ground like ice cream melts in direct sunlight. After four layers, Ana was finally seen sitting on the ground, one knee the her chest, staring daggers at anyone she looked at.

But especially Edward.

"Um, hello!" Alphonse said awkwardly.

Ana's gaze softened a bit, only to be replaced with the tight lips and furrowed eyebrows of suppressed pain.

"Come on," Ed said turning around,"we gotta go talk tot Mustang." Alphonse was about to follow him when he realized Ana still wasn't getting up.

"Um, brother..."
"Hm?" Ed said, then noticed Ana as well. "Not backing out on our deal already, are you?"

Ana scoffed. "No. I just-" she took a breath. "Itsjustthaticantwalk," She mumbled.


"I said, I can't walk! I think I sprained my ankle."

Ed blinked. "Oh, is that all?" And he began advancing toward her. Her eyes filled with panic and she scooted back an inch.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. It's all right.."

Edward scooped up her short frame and began the walk back to central hq with Alphonse. She squirmed, mildly uncomfortable with a boy carrying her.

"I could carry her for you, brother?" Alphonse offered.

"I would, al, but she's so cold, and if she touched your armor I'm pretty sure she'd get frost bite."

"Oh, that makes sense."

Ana still squirmed. She was freezing, and unlike earlier, she lacked the adrenaline to keep her blood moving around her body. She shivered repeatedly until Ed had finally had enough.

He set her on he ground for a brief second, slipping off his red cloak and throwing it over her. Before she had the chance to protest, he had scooped her up and they were on their way again, not a word said the rest of the way.

💭wow, sorry for the super long chapter! Please comment and like and vote if you liked it! Love, Livvy💭

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