Chapter 2

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I was feeling rather seasick.

The ship swayed not-so-swiftly across the rough seas and I was gagging, my tail twisted and flicking. I couldn't even stand straight, because when I did, I would sway from side to side and then almost pass out.

Come to think of it, I'd passed out many a time on this trip. I was so unsure of time due to the little jump-cuts of time where I would be passed out. Well, that and I'm a cat now. We don't exactly have the best sense of time, I figure.

I was making a low growling noise, completely not by choice. My throat was just automatically rumbling due to the stressful and traumatic situation I was in, and I recognized the noise I made. The same one a cat does when it's defending its territory or food or whatever.

My body shook a bit and I yowled, only to be met with the shock of the ship coming to a slow. My fragile body flung to the side of the crate, and I hissed in pain.

"Hey! Live and precious cargo!" I screamed with a careless flick of the tail.

The door to the giant compartment opened, and then people came and unloaded the boxes around me; my sensitive hearing picking up their every move, pick-up and drop. It went on like that for a while, before the small cube I was in was lifted and I was moved off the ship.

I cried out for them to put me down and stop shaking me.

"Did that box just meow?" An unfamiliar voice inquired. A much closer one responded,

"Yeah, don't worry, I bet it's just one of those new-tech toys with realistic features."

They laughed a bit, and then the box was purposely shaken. I yowled again, just wanting to be out of there. They each laughed a little more, agreeing before loading me into what sounded like a cargo-truck.

I laid down on the soft floor, knowing if I was to get anywhere, I'd have to wait patiently. Otherwise this would be a struggling attempt only to wear myself out.

Curling up, I took one last sniff of the country I was in, and was astounded by scent. It was unlike anything I'd smelt in my life; and yet, I felt like I knew where I was.

The truck was started up, and it was loud. The thunderous roar of the engines had me trying to cover my ears. I'd have to get used to the super-strength hearing in, what I'm guessing is a big city. I rested my head and stayed curled in the crate, just waiting to see where this little expedition would take me.

Driving, stop, drop off, repeat. That's exactly what had been happening for the last hour. The moment my unsturdy legs would get the idea of one thing, the cycle would go on, leaving me pissed off.

Finally, though, we arrived at my drop-off zone, so I laid low with my ears flat against my head until I felt the little jolt that meant I had touched down.

"Thanks, fellas," I meowed to myself sarcastically, rolling my eyes and gritting my sharp canines.

"Yeah, yeah, thank you guys so much! I'm so sorry you had to go out of your way to drive here for this, it really means a lot," a deep voice apologized, a light and playful tone under his serious.

Though the men outside the box all had muffled words, my ears stood straight up as I tried to put a paw on just who that voice belonged to. It was unforgettable, that was for sure, but it slipped my mind.

I was lifted and taken into a slightly warmer climate, before hearing the click of a door. I was put down on the ground, and a set of footstops circled the crate a few times, getting further and nearer.

I was dead silent, though. Unusual for Jackaboy, sure, but I was just so damn curious as to who was out there, I didn't want to ruin the surprise.

"Hmm, I don't see why they poked holes in the top," the mystery man grumbled. Before I had time to react, a sharp blade sliced through the tape at the top, allowing the box lid to fall open automatically.

My blue eyes darted up to greet wide brown ones, and my jaw fell open.

Standing there, much taller than I'd ever remembered him as a human, was Mark-- or Markiplier.

I had no sounds to make; but a fuzzy feeling rose through my bloodstream. I was too shocked to listen to the voice in my head, but when it simmered down, I did.

'Master. Protect, love, snuggle. Master.'

I mewed, eyes widening from my own thoughts. It must have been the cat bloodline; the commands that streamed through me, the same a cats would if you raised the right hand.

After my short outburst, I went back up to greet Mark only to find he was gone.

I frowned a bit, and then overheard a hushed, panicky phone-call.

"Hey, uh, the package you delivered? ... Yeah, that one. Um, y'see, there was a cat— probably a stray that got lost —  in it, and well, I just wanted to know if you knew what was up?"

There was a static-y voice from the other end, but I reared up on my back legs and put my paws on box.

The framed brown eyes met mine once more, and I gave an innocent meow.

"Mark..?" I gasped quietly, knowing fully to him, that would have just been a meow.

"... Yeah, I'll call you back. No, no, don't send someone. I'll deal with it myself. Yep, thanks, bye."

The tall, buff man strode over to me, and my heart was beating louder in my chest. I had no idea why, but seeing him in person again and with my thoughts of serving and protecting, he made me feel all fluttery.

I had to let him know it was me.

"Hey there, little... cat," Mark started, smiling kindly.

"If you don't mind, I'm just gonna see what gender you are. Shh, it's okay," he mumbled as he picked me up gently, but I didn't mind when he picked me up. It made me uncomfortable, sure, but it was him. I trusted him to be kind with animals.

'Wait, see what gender I am!?'

I froze in my tracks as he lifted my above his head, and I yowled and screeched, trying to squirm away. If cats could blush, I'd be red as a fuckin' tomato right now.

"Ack! Okay, okay, you're male, sorry," the raven-haired man stated, putting me down.

My stomach made an odd movement as well as a quiet noise, and Markiplier glanced at me.

"Must be hungry if you're all the way from Ireland," he chuckled, opening the fridge, taking out a tuna-can and ripping it open. He put it into a bowl and placed it on the ground. "Here. Eat up."

An odd rumble started up in the back of my throat. I tried to push it back down, but I just couldn't, and thus, started a cute-sounding purr as I brushed against his legs in thanks and ate up the tuna.

When I was finished, I gandered around the massive house. I even jumped onto the marble counter, sitting my arse down with my tail wrapped around my rump. I took it all in, and then noticed something; this was his new apartment. The same one that he did the latest house tour on.

Just then, he entered the room casually and picked up the empty bowl.

"Thanks, Mark," I mewed, looking directly at him.

He beamed and straightened up a bit, looking pleased with himself.

"I may not speak kitty, but that was definitely appreciative."

It hit me at that moment; if anyone was going to understand me, it would be this goofball. If someone out there was going to understand my predicament, it would be my best friend.

Only problem; something told me it would take me quite a while trying to let him know. 

A/N: Welp, that took an expected turn. c: More on the way sometime soon. Peace~ 

Catlateral Catastrophe (Septiplier/MarkiplierxJacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now