Chapter 7

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Keys. Mark was looking for keys.

The goofy man in questioning had gotten up way past his alarm, claiming that he'd forgotten about an important meeting he had today.

As he hustled his way around the shared home, Ryan and Matt stood scornfully from the set of couches. Each of them kept a brow raised as they dared to watch the frantic behavior of their friend, who had realized he'd woken up late, rushed out of bed, thrown himself in the shower and was currently putting on clothes.

It was too early for me, though. I was takin' a nice little catnap on a pair of jeans Mark had left lying on the wooden floorboards, scrunched into a nice and comfortable denim bed for my more petite body.

Occasionally I'd raised my furry snout and take a peek at what he was doin', but the general consensus was running around, whispering 'fuck' under his breath as he threw on random items of clothing the idiot had lying around.

'Fer an important meeting, you sure are getting dressed lazily,' I remarked snidely in my head, eyes trained to the movement like he was a living laser pointer.

It was then that the half-asleep eyes stopped overtop of me, rolling back slightly as he huffed.

"Yeah, well I didn't see you trying to wake me up either, Jack!"

Gotta admit, the dumb-fuck was right about that. While I observed him fall back asleep past his alarm, I decided NOT to paw at his face and wake him up because he looked too peaceful. No, I didn't pay any mind to the fact that I knew he needed to go out today, on the one day I didn't beat him up and smother him until he awoke. No mind at all!

I was lost in my thoughts when I felt the surface beneath me slip out effortlessly.

I hissed as my body flunked to the ground, a soft thump sounding as my tail began to flick mercilessly. Cold, icy eyes dared to stare down the criminal who'd stolen the jean bed.

"Hey, calm down! I need these," Mark started, before attempting to shove them over his legs, almost falling over in the process.

Fockin' idjit.

"Those are dirty!" I attempted to shout, but in turn, only loud meows came out in the place of words.

The raven set of hair flipped upward with the rising motion of his head.

"Get Matt or Ryan to feed you, I don't have time."

With that, Mark flaunted himself back out of the room and I couldn't help but notice the littering of white fur all over the back of his black jeans.

'Hah! Serves ya right, ya prick!'

From inside of the room, where I was stretching my sleek, shimmering form, I heard the quest for keys continue, along with lighthearted banter about Matt and Ryan being awake and ready without him.

I decided that yeah, maybe it was fair that I went out and got a drink and some food, ready to start my busy day of tearing apart the house and then catnapping when anybody tried to scold me.

As I left the room, however, I witnessed both the blonde and the brunette man stand in tune, helping Mark search for his keys. Were they goin' with him? Was I gonna be ALONE!?

Fluffy, pink pads glided me across the room as I yowled for service, weaving between the oncoming feet and trying to draw attention to the empty bowl. It was Ryan who finally noticed my hunger, reaching for the box of cat food which he carelessly spilled into my bowl.

I stared at it in slight disgust. The shit didn't taste like anything but off fish and cardboard! Why would you feed me THAT?

"There! You're lucky I love you, Jack. I don't think I have time to be feeding you," Ryan laughed, putting the box away with his hands on his hips like he'd had some kind of triumph. I merely flicked my tail in his direction, huffing.

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