Chapter 5

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Months had passed, discussions had weighed, and finally, it was the day both Mark and I were waitin' for.

We blissfully woke up to the rays of the brightened, Californian sun shining us both right in the eyes, warming our bodies and forming a content feeling deep inside of our chests. It was the definition of a perfect mornin', and I think my Master agreed with me judging by his elongated, released sighs that fell into the thin air.

Not too long after that, we managed to lazily haul ourselves out of the comfy covers and finish putting boxes in trucks and cars, leaving the house in question completely stripped dry of furnishings and small goods.

I could only purr as Mark chuckled, placing me shotgun in his car, shouting to Ryan and Matt from across the driveway. It was an exciting day for all; for today, Mark decided to finally move in with the two goofballs who cared dubiously for the dark-haired man with the massive heart.

"Ahh, right, forgot," the voice belonging to the oak-colored mirrors of the soul came, soft and agitated.

I locked my eyes onto his body which was set in motion, reaching behind his gray car-seats and searching endlessly for something.

After a minute, I got kind of frustrated, meowing at the other, focused YouTuber, breaking him of his trance-like search.

He jolted upwards, a delicate thud heard as the top of his head met with the roof of the car.

"Ow!" He shouted on instinct, rubbing his head and turning to glare at me, before noticing something beside me and grinning.

I was curious ta say the least, but then the bastard reached behind me and pulled out a large, crate-like thing...

A cage.

"OOOH, NO!" I hissed, jumping against the car door with a growl, "don't think yer gettin' me in there, pal!"

As per usual, Mark was unable to understand my disagreement. Instead, he laughed and sat it on the seat in front of me, opening the cat-door with a gentle tendency.

"Shh, it's alright, Jack! You just have to sit in here for an hour or so; just until we get to our new home."

Ahh, jaysus, there was no doubt I couldn't stop the fookin' loser.

I sighed softly, tail flicking behind me as he wrapped those giant, Markihands around my chest and stuffed me into the horrible, space-invading, terrible, nightmarish cage.

Well, once I got in there it wasn't that bad. Just... boring. On the other paw, there was a massive piece o' chicken sittin' at the back. I mewed in delight, licking my lips and then gobbling it up.

The car started and the dark-haired male began to describe aspects of how great it was gonna be and how I could be an outdoor cat.

Even as a human, though, I didn't wanna go outside so that was pointless.

I just hoped that in this new place with more people, someone would notice it was me. Someone would help me, for fook's sakes!

      "Is that the last box?" Ryan breathed, placing two, warn and exhausted hands upon his hips in a sassy way.

"I think so," Mark replied, much in the same state, softly panting.

Meanwhile, Matt pranced into the room with a box and dropped it in front of my cage, sighing in dismay.

"Jesus, Matt, I know you're skinny but I didn't expect you to be so fit," the raven-haired YouTuber wheezed, cocking a brow in the other, fitter and skinnier boy's direction.

The editor merely laughed, swiftly galloping over and collapsing on the couch.

"Perhaps you need to get in shape, Mark!" Matt laughed, pulling his phone out of his pocket and beginning to tap and scroll away.

'No he doesn't, ya big shithead!' I thought pessimistically, scoffing and flicking my tail.

'And for fook's sakes, will someone get me outta here!?'

I cleared my throat with a soft yowl, then started a storming load of meows, each dragging more and more attention to my cage.

"Fucking hell, Mark, let that thing out! It's gone feral!" Ryan belted over the top of me, my natural loudness coming out on top as it always did. If there was one thing you could trust ol' Jackaboy for, it was being loud!

Mark rushed over to the cage, carelessly fidgeting with the lock until it clicked undone, and I sprinted out on all fours, brushing against his hand and preparing to jump to the couch when I realized this was a whole new setup; I had no idea where anything was.

I went to stop but the marble counter-top's surface decided otherwise, making me slip and slide until I eventually reached the end of the island, my dainty, white paws dashing off of the top and onto the nothingness in seconds.

I let out a strained mew as my body flunked towards the floor, my fur following the laws of gravity and raising upward.


There was a bang as my body hit the floor, legs swaying to either side of me and proving that cats do not always land on their feet.

"Jack, kitty, are you okay!? Oh, you poor baby!"

I groaned as my weight was then relieved from the ground and I was held in the buff arms of a man, whose scent I'd come to revel in.

In fact, right now, despite my pain, I could feel a purr mustering up inside of my throat which was heartily let out with a lion's pride.

The YouTuber who held me tightly sighed, and I could feel his chest vibrations against my silky fur, a feeling of happiness roaring through my blood.

I guess this new house was just gonna have to grow on me...

"Matt, did you pack the popcorn buckets for the skit?"

"... Oops."


Or perhaps, the people in it had to grow up.

A/N: Heeeeey! So, who was expecting this, hmm? Certainly not me... Ahh, I'm sorry it's so short; perhaps soon enough I'll be able to write a REALLY long one; and hopefully it'll eat through my great ideas that I have planned. Unfortunately, you're stuck with the fluffy, boring bits for now, but enjoy nonetheless! I promise you'll enjoy what comes next. c;

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