Chapter 3

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My petite, fragile body was subconscious hoisted up with a jolt to a deafeningly loud noise. I had just awoken to my heart pounding and eyes wide and as large as silver moons, all because of one loud, obnoxious voice I was in no way used to hearing up-close.

"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome back to..."

'Ahh god,' I purred mentally, stretching out all of my joints to find that I was rather easily awake with not even a trace of tire in my system, 'I forgot that we're both YouTubers who run on creepy-ass time-schedules.'

My paws were erect in front of me, ready to leap off into my adventure when suddenly, something was caught out of the corner of my eye.

"Is that a fuckin' piece of dirt?" I hissed to no-one in particular, considering I was previously sprawled out all alone on his couch before my rude awakening. As my powerful blue eyes surveyed my frontal-right paw, I happened to see the spec of matted fur held together by something sticky.

"EWWW!" I whined, shaking my paw rapidly, trying to get it off. Unfortunately, it didn't work out so well, and my lean body fell effortlessly onto the ground. I was caught by my own four paws, however, and beamed at the thought of how skilled that was.

After I'd thoroughly tongue-bathed my paws, I shook off any excess saliva or dust in my pelt and padded down the large space where I came upon a door; a closed one, at that.

I huffed a bit, tail going into autopilot as it swished around from my anger while I sat thoughtfully at the door.

'Maybe if I meow I'll get this douchebag's attention?'

It wasn't the wisest idea; headphones, editing and everything else would prove to be a bother for the other man, but those thoughts were pushed to the back of my head as my last priority while I opened up my little catty mouth, canines showing as I let out an alarmingly loud meow.

I waited at the door, staring up until the knob gently slipped around in a non-complete 360 motion, before it was opened gently and there stood—in nothing but a pair of deliciously tight boxers and a lousy, old t-shirt—Markiplier.

The sight of his raw body from such a down-low angle had me nervous, but some part of me was plotting my end as I accidentally let out a loud purr, rubbing against his leg with all my might and force, almost bowling him over before I, myself, darted in and leapt onto his recording desk, sitting patiently with my tail tucked delicately around my rump. I waited for him to return to his seat and continue recording, staring at him with my massive, adorable, blue eyes.

He chuckled and did exactly that; sitting where he does every other recording session and clicking continue. I watched the computer screen for a short moment, indulging myself in the fact that I hadn't been on YouTube in such a long time and was beginning to seriously miss the big, community-based website.

I knew, though, that I'd have to draw my cat-business to a close soon enough anyway. My fans were probably wondering where I'd been. Heck, I'm surprised Mark hasn't wondered why I haven't been uploading.

Then again, why would such a big YouTuber pay close attention to my videos if we were meant to be best friends, not fans of one another.

The thought brought me down, my ears flickering but not quite flattening, and my eyes directed at nothing in particular. It was when Mark started commentating on the fact that he found a passworded segment of the game that I perked up and started brainstorming ways that my idea would be delivered with ease.

I scanned the keyboard quickly with my eyes, lowering my body with my tail playfully flicking behind me. My vision blurred and whizzed as I looked down onto the keyboard which the YouTuber was pressing buttons on choppily, complaining there were no hints leading up to this point in the game for the password.

I couldn't help but scowl at the keys. They all looked so... unnatural to me, now. Like random symbols and letters, not English—but that seems highly illogical that I could just forget something that impactful just because I was a different species.

... Well, it sounds more logical out loud.

Luckily for me, though, I did know the key spaces and the feel of the keys, so mesmerizing the movement pattern for a name I typed and and knew so very well, I shuffled over in front of his computer screen (much to his scolding and dismay) and placed a singular paw down on the keyboard, pressing what I thought was a 'J'.

The dark-haired man sitting on the chair before the screen, keyboard and myself went silent, wondering if maybe I was like one of those smart cats off the internet who could play table tennis or fetch. If only he knew...

He stared in awe as I began to type, slowly, my paw barely stretching and reaching down enough to hit each key.

My little white paws were too flat for my pressing, and I could feel myself mess up. I huffed out of my nose and sat back up on the desk, the long, string-like feature on my rear whipping around in annoyance.

Mark scootched me along, reading what I'd written in the password bar on-screen.

I didn't dare to look; instead, I kept my ears twisted to the sides and low, glare firmly on a piece of sound-proof foam padding that wasn't laying bare on the walls, but instead on the ground being useless and unneeded. Much how I felt now I was a four-legged, meowing creature.

"Wow, kitty," a deep voice awoke, sounding genuinely shocked, "you know what you typed?"

I tried my hardest not to look, knowing those encased chocolate-fountains of eyes were based entirely on me, hoping to get my attention. I tried not to picture his sweet face that awaited me when I turned my head, his compassion towards animals having the same loving feel as the one he had towards his closest friends; a glance that made me feel at home in the most foreign of places. Like here.

Unfortunately, trying not to see something you mentally describe with care isn't the most ideal way of dealing with naivety.

My head breezily flicked over to gaze at his awestruck expression, rereading the text on the screen.

It seemed my paws had done better than I expected, seeing as 'jackswptuvetedhk' was written in the blank space, clear as day.

I wasn't expecting it, but while I stared in shock, a hand made contact with the fur on my back and stroked gently, so to be polite (and because it felt amazing), I mustered up a purr from the back of my throat and let it come out as loud as thunder.

"I have a friend called Jack," Mark soothed, still stroking delicately. "Maybe I should call you 'Jack' in his honor?"

The raven-haired man began to chuckle, using his fingertips to ease around my ears. I allowed my eyes to connect with his, purr to get louder and an approving—not angry or pissed—expression on my face.

"Now that I think about it," the other YouTuber began, "you look a lot like that Irish bastard. I guess the name does suit you well."

I nodded my head in his direction, wishing there was just some way I could speak; I could tell him it really was me, I was really here with him.

That wasn't an option, though, so instead, I let my gaze falter a bit and I muttered out a 'meow', tail curling around me sensibly.

'Oh my friend, if only you knew.'

A/N: Hi guys! I'm SUPER sorry for how short and boring this chapter is. I PROMISE that the next will be more interesting; this was more of a filler, and it was done over a long period time (tiny bits at a time). The first next part might still be a bit of a filler, but I assure you, the one after that is where things get interesting; I swear on mi mum. xDD
Alright, I'll see you guys in the next part—I'll update soon. Peace~

Catlateral Catastrophe (Septiplier/MarkiplierxJacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now