Back in Hell, Velvette woke up feeling the hangover from all the drinks she had with Emily.
"Ugh, my head. Feel like the Tower of London is ringing right into my ears." She muttered with a groan.
She got out of bed... which was a bad idea because she was so hungover that she fell on her face.
"Motherfucking bugger." Velvette muttered into the floor before she picked herself up and stretched a bit.
'That fallen is a monster when it comes to booze. She could run three pubs out of business and still be thirsty.' Velvette thought, rubbing her chin. 'Guess daddy's money really helps with that addiction.'
After she finished stretching, Velvette made her way into the bathroom to brush her teeth and get the taste of too much alcohol out of her mouth.
But that changed after she walked to the mirror and looked at her hair.
"Nope." She let out before grabbing her hair brush and started styling said hair.
'I might not be a fashion goddess anymore but I can still look good for myself.' Velvette thought as she strengthened out her hair. 'Maybe I'll try for a braided look today.'
She hasn't tried that one in a LONG time.
"Hmm, I wonder how good these metal hands can braid hair?" Velvette asked herself as she set the brush down.
'This will either go very good, or very bad.' She thought.
A quick shower and hair dryer later, Velvette slowly reached for her hair as if if was a bundle of wires that could defuse a bomb.
"... I just realized I haven't done this by myself since I was alive." She muttered to herself.
It was almost like she had to learn it all over again, slowly and gently looping bits of her hair together to form a braid.
Once she was done, Velvette appeared to have a long braided pony tail that wrapped around her neck like a scarf before going down her right side.
"Okay, not bad. A bit too much hair but I can make it work." She said before exiting the bathroom to get dressed.
Once dressed, she headed down the stairs. She was still a bit hungover, so a moving elevator wasn't the smartest option right now.
-A few flights of stairs later-
Arriving in the lobby, Velvette saw Emily and Husk at the bar with both of them having some Irish coffee.
'The fuck? Is this bitch immune to liquor?' Velvette thought in surprise.
"Good morning, sunshine." Husk said with a grin, holding a pot of coffee. "Cup of the Irish?"
"HELL no. My head still feels like I was ran over during a Boston marathon." Velvette said, walking up and sitting down. "Regular coffee please, I can add the cream and sugar myself."
"Whatever floats your boat." Husk said.
Husk put the coffee down along while pushing Velvette the cream and sugar with his tail.
"Thanks." Velvette said.
Stretching her arm, Velvette grabbed herself a clean mug before pouring the coffee inside. Adding 5 teaspoons of sugar and a bit of cream, mixing them together.
"Damn, you sure like sugar." Emily said as Velvette removed the spoon.
"And you like to eat everything. What's your point?" Velvette asked before sipping some coffee. "Aaaaah. That's the stuff."
"Okay, yeah. I'll say, you got me there." Emily admitted, drinking more of her own coffee.
Husk grinned as he drank his own Irish coffee, sighing in content of the peaceful moment. Almost nothing could ruin it.
"Hey, everyone. What's to eat?" Angel asked as he, Pentious, and Niffty came up to the bar.
The smallest of the group sniffed the air before rushing and jumping in the bar top.
"Is that coffee?" Niffty asked.
"No!" Emily said, quickly hiding it from Nifty.
"Fresh out, Nif." Husk said, hiding his mug and the coffee pot.
"Then what's that?" Niffty asked, pointing to Velvette's mug.
"It's mine, that's what it is." Velvette replied, pointing at her mug. "And if you try and take it, I'll bite your little fingers off."
"Challenge accepted." Niffty said before chomping the air, showing her sharp teeth. "Mama wants some coffee."
"Nope. Nope nope nope, none of that." Emily said, shaking her head before looking at her friend. "Angel?"
"Got it." He said as he picked up Niffty by the scruff of her dress, making her run on air to try and reach Velvette. "Sorry Niff, no coffee for you."
"Perhapssss she could have something different like Coffee cake." Pentious suggested
"Trust me, my scaley fellow, that will be worse." Alastor said, walking down the stairs.
'I always forget the radio demon lives here too.' Velvette thought, not looking at Alastor for obvious reasons.
"Why, I remember when Niffty was left alone with an entire 3 layer cake!" Alastor said as his grin became tiny and he whispered. "So much frosting and blood."
"... Why was there blood?" Angel asked as he and Pentius looked shocked.
Husk let out a sigh as he took off his hat.
"The poor bastard that tried to take the cake from Nif." Husk said, putting it to his chest. "He will be missed... whatever his name was."
"And when was this exactly?" Emily asked.
"Ten years ago." Alastor said with his normal smile.
"I can still taste that amazing cake." Niffty whispered, licking her lips.
Laughing a bit, Alastor pets her head.
"Very good, Dear." He said.
"Point is, Niffty is never to have too much sugar, caffine, coffee, high grade pesticides-"
"Which we kind of need since we still have roaches." Velvette interrupted Husk. "There's one on the wall behind you."
"BUG?!" Niffty shouted, looking at the roach.
Reaching behind her, she pulled out a knife and threw it at the bug. Impaling it as it made a small screech of death.
"BULLSEYE!" Niffty screamed in joy as she hopped back onto the bar counter.
Seeing this, Velvette got out of her seat and moved behind Emily.
"Why do you employ that little monster?" Velvette whispered, quickly finishing her coffee.
"Charlie said she's a package deal with Alastor." Emily whispered back.
"Well I don't find that much of a deal. She got swindled." Velvette whispered.
"Now where is my coffee?" Niffty asked, turning to Emily and Velvette.
"All gone, deal with it." Velvette said, showing her empty coffee mug.
Hearing glass break as Niffty's eye went bloodshot, Emily dragged Velvette into her office before she could be killed by Niffty.
'Wise choice.' All of the men thought as Niffty slowly turned to them.
"WHERE. IS. THE COFFEE?!" Niffty demanded, gazing at them with a deranged eye.

Emily's Fall 2: Rising Above
FanfictionLife in Hell has gotten pretty good for Emily but all good things can't last forever, especially with Heaven plotting unjust vengeance. I do not own Hazbin Hotel. Co-Written by Mr. Hardcor3/MarkChapman001.