By the time the sun... or whatever the hell equivalent of it is... rose, Emily was walking the streets of the greed ring. She was constantly checking her phone to update the others on her progress while they headed there. She suddenly felt the cold touch of a knife against the back of her head.
"Hello, Princess... you're coming with me." A street thug said.
'Ever since that on Crimson guy was murdered, everyone has been trying to become the new leader of the mafia.' Emily thought, slowly putting her phone away. 'Seriously, they're even going into other rings in order to impress the mafia... do they even understand how mafia works, it's not like that!'
Emily put her hands up.
"I'm warning you, this will not end how you think it will." Emily said calmly.
Before he could respond, Emily dropped down and kicked his legs out from under him. He fell and Emily quickly moved behind him and put him in a choke hold before snapping his neck. She stood up, dropped the body, picked up the knife, and kept walking.
"I swear, the next prick that tries to fuck with me is getting burnt to ash before they can even process the pain!" Emily said as this was the fourth one to try it.
She pulled her phoen back out and saw she got a message while that demon tried to kidnap her.
"Finally." Emily said as her mood lifted and she read the message.
"Good, the others should be here by the time I speak with Unc." Emily said, putting the phone away.
Emily put her phone away as she continued through greed, heading to Mammon's mansion. Which was somewhat of a tourist attraction since he was one of the richest demons in all of hell.
Being his niece, and the princess of hell, anyone that worked for him... if you can call it that... bowed and let her in.
'It's... awfully quiet... usually he comes right out when Charlie or I come and visit.' Emily thought.
Emily, after waiting a few moment, grabbed a vase and dropped it on the ground. It didn't take long for Mammon to come out after hearing that.
Mammon picked up his niece and gave her a big hug.
'He's a greedy piece of shit, a horrible boss to employees... but damn it, he's a good uncle.' Emily thought, hugging him back.
"Hey, Uncle Mam. Sorry to intrude and break your vase, which I'll pay for." Emily said as Mammon pulled back.
"Nonsense! You're free to pop by anytime! And don't mind the vase, I can always get another." Mammon said. "So, what can I do ya for?"
"You seemed busy as of late." Emily said.
"Just... uh... doing a bit of work." Mammon said, looking at where he came from as a noise was heard, "Uh... excuse me."
He started rushing back to where he just came from.
"Hmmm?" Emily hummed as she raised an eyebrow, curious to what Mammon was rushing off to.
'Well, I'm already inside.' Emily thought as she walked to follow her uncle's trail.
She got closer and closer to the noise and she realized it sounded like... vomitting?
'Huh, this is interesting.' Emily thought, before ending up on the outside of the bathroom.
She could hear Mammon inside.
"It's okay, Love, let it all out." He said, sounding nice and calming.
'Okay, I need to see this person.' Emily thought.
Emily moved to the door frame and looked inside, seeing Mammon rubbing the back of the person with their head in the toilet. The person was a pale greenish-blue demon, with a somewhat mohawk style hair, but that was all Emily could make out as she was currently face first in the toilet vomiting whatever was left in her body. She was wearing what looked like an expensive green nightgown, which Mammon most likely bought.
"Wait, is that?" Emily whispered, leaning closer to listen.
"Ugh, my stomach feels like I've done 20 summersalts in the air and hung upside down on a trapeze bar." The woman said.
"I know, love, but it's just a little food poisoning from last night, it'll pass." Mammon said, "Just think positive thoughts. Okay, Glitzy?"
The woman pulled her head up and wiped her lips, smiling at Mammon as she leaned into his embrace.
"Okay, Mam-Mam." Glitz said to him.
'Oh, the others need to get here.' Emily thought, grinning and silently squealing. 'This is getting good!'
"So..." Emily said, making it clear she was here, "... How did this happen?"
"Emily?!/Princess?!" Mammon and Glitz shouted in shock as they looked at her.
"How long have you been there?!" Glitz screamed before feeling sick again.
"Long enough to have questions." Emily said.
"You could've knocked, you know! Almost gave me a blood heart attack." Mammon said, holding his chest.
"You're immortal, you'll be fine." Emily said, "Now come on, I really want to know more about this."
"HUUUUUU!" Glitz began committing again as Mammon rubbed her back and held her hair.
"But first, let's get her some dry toast and ginger ale." Emily said before making her way to the kitchen.
"I don't think I can eat anything but ginger ale does sound good about now." Glitz said as she wiped her lips of vomit again.
"I'll carry you to the kitchen." Mammon said as he picked up Glitz.
The entire walk there, the two nuzzled against the other as Emily occasionally sent a glance back at them.
'They... are a surprisingly wholesome couple.' Emily thought, 'I winder what the other twin thinks of this? Also, I wonder where Glam is right now? Eh, probably trying to get some work done.'
Once in the kitchen and preparing the ice cold drink, Emily walked over and handed a glass of ginger ale to Glitz.
"Here you go." Emily said before looking at Mammon, "Just so you know, the others are on their way, so you may want to hold off on telling me about how this started until they get here."
"What? How did they know?" Mammon asked.
"You went to Lust... the place that Uncle Fizz lives... he worked for you for a decade, he's seen every disguise you've ever used." Emily said SLOWLY with a blank expression.
"... But still." Mammon said with a shrug.
Emily just facepalmed.
"Hehehehehehe." Gltiz giggled at her boyfriend's cluelessness.

Emily's Fall 2: Rising Above
FanfictionLife in Hell has gotten pretty good for Emily but all good things can't last forever, especially with Heaven plotting unjust vengeance. I do not own Hazbin Hotel. Co-Written by Mr. Hardcor3/MarkChapman001.