~Gone~ Lubbock x Reader

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Requested by applecheeseeater

The rain poured down on Lubbock's head, sliding down his face making his tears invisible. Was this it? Was she really gone? He fell to his knees crying, as he felt Tatsumi approach him.

"Lubba..." He could hear the sorrow lacing Tatsumi's voice. Lubbock still couldn't look him in the eyes. She had been there staring that thing in the face, but now she was...

"Lubba we have to go." Tatsumi looked ready to cry as well at this point, helping Lubbock up and trudging off.


Tatsumi, Lubbock and Akame were running, unfortunately they had been able to lose The Jaegers but now there was a horde of danger beasts after them. Turning around the realized they had no choice but to fight, drawing their weapons.

All of them were already exhausted from the early fight with the Jaegers. Managing to cut down a few they were breathing quite heavily. Then they watch as the ready of the Denver beasts were cut down.

Still unsure of this new figure they found their chance and ran, silently thanking them. Lubbock looked back and he saw the figure finish off the danger beasts, then dissappear into the forest.


It had been about three days since Lubbock had been saved by the mysterious person. They had been coming back to Night Raid when more danger beasts appeared chasing them.

Really Lubbock couldn't catch a break lately. Akame turned around, realizing it was futile to try and run as they would all eventually catch up. Tatsumi and Lubbock both followed, turning and facing the incoming onslaught.

Tatsumi released his sword, armor surrounding him. Lubbock shaped his strings into a spear. Akame got into a fighting stance sword raised.

Taking down dozens of the danger beasts they all thought that they had gotten somewhere, but for every one they took down two more seemed to take its place. That was until the figure came back, taking out twice as many as they had, soon the field was deserted.

"L-lubbock?" That voice. Lubbock instantly threw down his spear and ran towards the figure, not believing his ears.

"(Y-y/n)?" He stuttered reaching out a hand. Taking his hand she came into the light, he could see her face now as her smile warmed him inside. She looked excited to see him, throwing herself at him in a hug.

Behind Lubbock, Tatsumi and Akame's soft footsteps could barely be heard pressing onto the soft ground. Tatsumi broke into a smile, talking about how glad he was she was alive.

Lubbock just held her, glad that she was no longer gone.

A/n: Almost made this sad but now a happy reunion! Anyway I'll be getting onto the next oneshot~

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