Chapter 2

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"Lucy! I need you to slip on some clothes and come downstairs!" Mom calls up to me.
"Why can't I keep on my pajamas?" I call back.
"Because I said so. Now put on some clothes and get downstairs." Ugh. I was hoping I could stay in my pajamas all day. It is Saturday after all. But whatever. I slip on one of my old soccer shirts and a pair of shorts, pull on some socks and sneakers and run downstairs.
"What're we doing?" I ask curiously.
"Just go hop in the car. I'll be out in a second." Mom says. This isn't fishy or anything...
5 minutes later, I'm in the car and mom's driving me to some secret place. I hope it's soccer camp! I've always wanted to go! Yeah, maybe that's what it is, but she wants it to be a surprise! I sit back, starting to get excited. About 10 minutes later, we pull up to some building.
"Hop out, Lucy!" Mom says, getting out the car. But I stay in my seat, frozen. Because this isn't soccer camp.
"What is this? What're we doing here?" I ask nervously.
"You're gonna start Irish Dance." Mom says as if it's something she says all the time.
"WHAT?!" I shriek. I've heard of these people before. They wear weird wigs and weird socks and weird shoes and dance to weird music and do that weird dance called the jig.
"Aunt Carol signed Chloe up too! It's going to be fun!" Mom says. Fun. Yeah right. I don't want to do this. I don't even wanna go in the building. But mom grabs my hand and pulls me into the strange building. This could be a long battle.

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