Chapter 8

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5 minutes until I have to leave for dance class. My second dance class. I'm dreading it more than I've dreaded anything before. I'm laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling and occasionally glancing over at the clock. 4 minutes till I leave. I hate dance so much. Why do I have to go? You'd think my mom would let me quit if I hate it so much. 3 minutes. I'm still in my school clothes, and I guess I should put on some "dance" clothes, but I don't really want to. 2 minutes.

My thoughts are interrupted when my mom barges into my room. "Lucy! Put on some dance clothes! We're leaving in a few minutes! You don't want to be late!" Actually I do but I know better than to say that. "Well hurry up! I'm gonna be out in the car! Don't forget to get your bag! I put your shoes and water bottle in it." Then mom leaves and I hear her footsteps go down the stairs.

1 minute. I slide off my bed and walk over to my closet. I stand there staring at the possible clothes that I could wear. Finally I decide to wear a black soccer tee shirt that I got from a tournament. It's one of my favorites because it's got a neon yellow outline of a soccer ball on the front. After I slip that on, I find a pair of black and white shorts. I slip them on and when I look at the clock it reads 4:30. Time to go. I run downstairs, grab my "dance bag" and head out to the car where my mom is waiting for me.

"Ready to go Luce?" Mom asks. I nod, although inside I'm angry at myself. How could I let on that I like dance when I actually hate it? It's such a waste of my time and it doesn't get me even near the workout I would usually get in soccer. I should be out in my backyard right now kicking around my soccer ball, practicing my shots. But no. I'm here in the car driving to stupid irish dance class.

10 minutes later we're at the dance studio. I look up at the sign above the door. I didn't notice that sign before but now I see that has Francis-O'Donnell Academy printed on it in big dark green letters. I hurry inside behind my mom and am surprised to see a different lady behind the desk. It's Razz.
"Hi Lucy! How're ya today?" She asks me.
"Good." I say. Then I turn to my mom and tell her, "This is Razz. She's my teacher. Doesn't she have cool hair?" My mom and Razz laugh before my mom says, "Nice to meet you! Is Anne here?"
"Yeah but she's in with the Prelim and Open Champs until 6:30. Anything I could do for you?" Razz asks.
"No I just wanted to know if she was here because I just got Lucy some now soft shoes but I'm not sure if they're the right kind, if there is a right kind." Mom says.
"Oh yeah! Anything is fine really! They're all good if they look good on your feet and if they allow Lucy to dance comfortably!" Razz says.
"Oh, good! Well I'll be back at 6:30, Lucy. Have a good time!" Mom exclaims. Then she leaves and it's just me and Razz.
"I was thinking at about 6 that we could take a break and head into the Champs class. Does that sound good?" Razz asks me. I nod. I mean, if I get to stop the actual dancing part early I'm fine.
"Alright, let's head into Studio B!" Razz leads the way down the hall since I'm not completely 100% positive where I'm going yet. "How'd you like your first class, Lucy?" She asks as we turn down another hall.
"It was ok, I guess." I say. Oh shoot! Did that sound too unenthusiastic? Did I sound like a jerk? Or a snob? Then the other part of me kicked in and said, 'Who cares what she thinks? You hate dancing! You should be allowed to be honest about it!' Right. I should be.
My thoughts are interrupted when Razz says, "Well the first class is always harder because you don't know everyone that well. Plus it's a new concept. Today will be a lot easier and a lot more fun!" Boy I hope so, because last time I felt tense the whole time as if I didn't quite belong there. Razz leads me into the room with Studio B marked on the door and we're back to the dreaded room. I notice that there's only 4 other kids here this time.
"Alright! Let's start warming up!" Razz says. I glance at the clock: 5:07. Well, we're starting late and hopefully ending early.

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