Chapter 5

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"Razz, I'm sorry to bother you and disturb your class, but we have two new students joining us today." Anne says. Just then a girl stands up and I stare at her hair. It's cut short, with purple and blue streaks in it. Actually most of her hair is purple, but it has blue streaks in it.
"This is Lucy Collins and this is her cousin Chloe Ferguson, and they're both 7." Anne says. Ugh here goes the introduction part that I've always hated.
"Hey! I'm Razz. Don't worry, that's my nickname. I'm gonna be your teacher for a lot of your classes, at least while your at this level." The purple haired girl says.
"Cool! I like your hair!" Chloe says. Wow Chlo. She said she was nervous. She obviously lied because she sounds more excited than anything to be here now.
"Thanks! I like yours though! Both of yours actually! My natural hair color is brown, so it's nothing exciting so I decided to change it up a bit!" Razz laughs then motions for us to follow her over to the small circle of kids. "This is our beginner's class. Ok everyone stand up one at a time and introduce yourself, so say your name and your age. Olivia, why don't you start?"
A girl with curly red hair stands up. "I'm Olivia Mason, and I'm 7." Razz nods for the next girl to stand up.
"I'm Julia Andrews and I'm 6." The next girl says. Julia has short brown hair, and she's pretty tan for an irish dancer. I mean, I thought irish people were pale. Whatever.
"I'm Jake Miller, and I'm 7." The only boy says. He has dark brown hair and he seems kind of shy.
"I'm Molly Anderson, and I'm 8." The next girl says. Molly has long black hair, and she has freckles covering her nose.
A tiny blonde girl stands up next. "I'm Holly Bloomsburg, and I'm 6."
"I'm Kiera Paulson and I'm 7." The last girl says. She has light brown hair and she smiles at us.
"Now would you girls like to introduce yourselves to the class?" Razz asks. Ugh, I hate this part so much.
"Sure!" Chloe says jumping up. "I'm Chloe Ferguson and I'm 7, and this is my cousin Lucy Collins, and she's 7 too." I don't know what to say now that Chloe's introduced the both of us, so I just wave and say hi.
"Alright! Let's get started on some dancing!" Razz says. Then she turns to me and Chloe and says, "Now since you girls missed the first few minutes, that's when we usually warm up and stretch. You'll see it all and get to do it next class. But for now I'm gonna get you started with some steps." I glance at the clock and almost groan out loud. Only an hour left...

Something New (Book 1 of the Reaching New Heights Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin