Chapter 12

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I'm running home from the bus stop. It's Thursday, and soccer practice starts exactly 3 weeks from now. They were gonna be in 2 weeks, but mom said that they had to push them back because there was a small camp thing going on that week. But that's ok, because I've gotta practice my irish dance now.

I walk into the kitchen, put down my backpack, and say hi to my mom. Then I quickly grab my dance bag and lug it down the basement stairs. My basement is huge! Half of it is wooden floor, with a large L couch and a tv. That half also has a small kitchen. The other half separated by a wall (and door obviously) and is carpeted and pretty empty. That's where I'm gonna practice now. There are several other rooms in my basement. We have one bathroom, one guest room with a bathroom connected, a workout room, a pretty large room that's completely empty and always has been, and a small indoor pool. Yeah not go brag, but our house is huge and I love it!

I take my stuff over to the carpeted half of the basement, shut the door behind me, and put on my shoes. Then I go to the computer that's by the wall, and I open up the iTunes Store. I search Irish Dance Music, and so many songs come up. I end up buying a cool sounding reel and a Light Jig. Then I begin practicing.

I only glanced up at the clock once and that was when I started practicing. The clock then read 4:13. I look up now, sweaty and tired, and my jaw drops. It says 6:02. I had been working so hard on perfecting my new move: jump 2,3 that I hadn't even realized how much time had passed!

I'm doing the second step of my reel for about the 20th time, watching myself in a mirror off to the side, making sure I'm turning out and crossing my feet. I hear footsteps, and my mom opens the door. "Hey Luce! Are you practicing? I haven't seen you at all except when you came in!" I nod.

All of a sudden I get a feeling that I want to show my mom my dances and everything we do in class. So I say, "Mom, sit down over there in the chair! I'm gonna show you my reel and light jig." Then I put on the light jig music, and do the whole thing for my mom. This time I know my feet are more turned out and crossed because I can feel it! My mom claps for me when I'm done, and I remember what Margaret had done when she finished. I point, bow, and walk over the computer to change the music to a reel. Then I point my foot and begin. I love reel! It seems so bouncy and fun, hopefully the steps get harder and maybe I'll eventually get a jump 2,3 in my steps! When I finish, I bow again, stop the music and walk over to my mom.
"Lucy, that was amazing! So this is what you've been working on for the past 2 hours huh?" Mom seems pretty excited, maybe because I'm taking this seriously now. At least more seriously. Seriously enough that I'm practicing longer than our dance class is.
"Let's head upstairs so you can eat. Don't forget about your homework! 2nd grade is a lot tougher than first, so never forget to do your homework!" We go upstairs together, and for once I'm happy about this irish dance thing.

Something New (Book 1 of the Reaching New Heights Series)Where stories live. Discover now